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Everything posted by bouncingsoul

  1. Fucked up N on the bottom... Baaaad
  2. Ay, thanks man... I've done simples for a while though, I guess I'll just go back to those... It helps having people like you come in here every once in a while...
  3. ...I'll try? The first one I sketched just now and the second one (top in the first flick) was from a couple hours ago... I added shadow for once yipee! "knews" :edit: I know the shadow on my E is fucked to hell...Sorry
  4. :edit: Just realized the 3d on top of the E is screwed up but I fixed it now so no worries...
  5. Yeah your 3d is fucked pretty bad... Just think all the 3d lines should be parallel... And do em left to right so you always have a 3d line to compare with :edit: I can sketch today! Yay! Just a warmup...
  6. I think your stuff would look better with just a straight parallel 3d instead of a centerpoint-ed one
  7. No, I wasn't being sarcastic. I really love your stuff. Maybe try some with 3d instead of just shadow all the time, but that's the only "advice" I got... Keep sketching, I want to see more of your stuff
  8. Take that shit looks great. Do more, do more!!
  9. Just do simple round-ish handies, that's what I did... Eventually you'll get em good and start making em better
  10. Haha graffiti math... It sucks though, after I did that page, I wasn't able to do anything but straight letters today... Hopefully it's just a bad day
  11. I'd love to see that duse throwie aorund in paint... It looks great
  12. Expect some painted shit in there in the next few weeks rufus
  13. Haha, I will sometime... I did this for a guy on BS... It'll help most anyone though
  14. Hehe yeah, I did fuck it up didn't I... Woops Trim1, I do actually do a lot of blockbusters and throws all over but I don't flick them because they're just normal blockbusters like everyone else haha... Here's a flick of a bumfreight style I did a while ago though ...And a throwie (both say "knews")
  15. A girl asked me for a rose for a tatoo... So I did my attempt at a flower. Comments pleeeease :edit: *removed due to suckyness This one's better?
  16. Masoe, to be completely honest, I don't really like many of those... Except one, which I fucking love and I wish you did them ALL THE TIME. This flick is just perfect... The blue simple on the bottom is fucking wonderful, do those and I'll be proud. The top one is OK but the S throws it off because of lack of consistency... Whatever, this may not mean much coming from me haha, but my opinion is that the blue is great and I'd love to see more like that from you
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