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Everything posted by dusetwo

  1. shit yo, you live in the woods
  2. im goin with this unless somone else wanna throw a word because that words just....seeemss... err bad or somthin sorry yo i just hate k's and t's
  3. you drinkin? shit yo ...
  4. in truth i dont fuck around with that, trees and a select few others is all i really touch odd style
  5. you guys kiddin me exstasy is the shit, that and ketamine ya'll either catch me rollin more balls than a pro bowler or in a k hole deeper than the motherfuckin grand canyon cnue those fades are ill keep spacebasin kidos
  6. tities above all snatches
  7. that e throwie is fresh ands that billboard is balzy
  8. yo shit son i was bikin the other day too!!! there was a shooting, then i thought we were gettin bopped but it turns out this random state trooper was lookin for some missing kid. you see so much shit bikin and get so much ups, its like smokin rock wearin a jet pack
  9. fresh oh and freak ill have your exchange sometime soon, i been at work all week
  10. krazie ammo that shit is fuckin ill, you got a real distinct style goin there definatly try paintin that style you got in the upper right corner itd look ill on a wall and i color some stickage
  11. AC moore, my rackin HQ
  12. oh and heres that exchange for ya eurf.
  13. like i said i aint from the midwest, and if im correct the duse i seen from the midwest spells it duce. the only reason id mention anything about skuf because he crushes NY and i tend to pay more attention to writers from ny, boston, philly etc.
  14. dont write skuff. dude from new york in ykk crew writes that and killls it
  15. there isnt any duse in my state/general area of the country that i know of. either way every word is taken. but i have yet to see anyone in the northeast rockin that word with any skill except for a short lived bomber back in the mid 80's from new york.
  16. but can it contend with the true master blasta!!!
  17. fuck that all i wants ya shoes, $1.27 and the elastic waist band on ya hoodie i got plans mothafuckas
  18. point is who got that china white!?!
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