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Everything posted by dusetwo

  1. dusetwo


    that purple ceks throw is fuckin freshh
  2. KITE BATTLE RESULTS. duse two - 6 votes blart bos- 1 vote feel free to get any final votes in during the next hour or so if you havnt yet, once again no self voting. ima call this shit in an hour as it stands now im in first blarts in second duse two blart bos knim lykomgz earl broco after this battle is over ill throw a word for a new one
  3. ya boy smokes dust, hide ya valuables.
  4. quit trying to sound all hardcore, all city, paint till your nose bleeds die hard bomber. because your not. and everyone can see it the fact that you cant, makes it all the more funny
  5. you put somthin up thats more than other people did
  6. on another note VOTE VOTE VOTE current standings blart - 1 duse two - 2
  7. do yourself a huge favor and shut the fuck up your making yourself look like an ignorant dumbass. this entire thread catagory is called PAPER chase meaning blackbook work and thats despite the fact that you shouldnt be within 300000 feet of a can of paint judging by that heinous attempt at painting. and even thats ignoring the fact that theres probly plenty of people on this thready, me included who done plenty more painting with much more skill than you ignorant toys like yourself are what is ruinin graffiti
  8. definatly hit the books some more yo this is a paper thread after all
  9. and with that my vote is for blart
  10. KITE BATTLE ENTRIES knim dusetwo lykomgz blartbos VOTE VOTE VOTE ps no self voting
  11. yo freak finaly finished this for you my pink prisma is dieing sorry
  12. kite battle entries so far knim (resized it for ya) myself anyone else in on this should get theres done itd be cool if we could get voting done tonight or somthing
  13. and that 2nd pic the top one, motha fuckin money
  14. oh and freak ive been meanin to post your exchange but lookin at it im not satisfied so ima throw one more style in
  15. yeh acid was used to treat certain physc. disorders (shell shock etc.) and i think even in some cases used in certain types therapy, but that might of been e, in fact im sure they did that with e but not to sure if they did it with acid either way, acid is just alltogether too overwhelming of a drug to have any real clinical use. oh and if im correct it was discovered in an attempt to make some new type of pain reliever. so yeh they meant for it to benefit people, but they had no intention of creating something that had this effect.... after they learned its real effects, they tried to utalize those but in no way were they like, lets make something that will make people bug the fuck out, they just wanted to get rid of ya headache son
  16. your letters are to thin and condensed, i dunno there just messy and all the letters look too similar
  17. try again and stop repostin it
  18. acid is fucking insane salvia is worse though and acid isnt legal because you trip balls anywhere from hours to entire days etc. and you tend to do some stupid shit on acid like color your entire arm with a paint marker. my boy did that for a full two hours
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