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Everything posted by odd.pr0ject

  1. Re: Travel Log - 2011 - USA just went through all 23 pages... KIR you're awesome. wish i could do the same shit you are doing right now man, seems so peaceful and what not.. sometimes i hate being in the city. i feel as though we dont belong here..
  2. This has happened to me a few times now, i remember the last time it happened recently i didnt know wtf was happening, it took me a few minutes to realize what was goin on and i finally managed to get my toe to move. but now i TRY to make this happen, seeing as you can experience lucid dreaming from this.. its super hard though, and i have not been successful yet. although it has been a lot easier when you do some form of opiate.. i do remember when i smoked H all the time this shit would happen constantly.
  3. Re: Audio Prodution/Beat Making most of my friends who produce any kind of music on the computer usually use reason
  4. dear cali, yeah i kinda went on hiatus from 12oz and life for a bit.. feeling a lot better now, no more hiding! -oddp
  5. hahaha yeah i guess you're right xD good thing im not a raver kid kekekeke
  6. dearl earl, whats wrong with being a raver kid? :P -oddpisaDJoner
  7. Dear life, ughhh. Total shit storm right now for reals. idk what im supposed to do anymore. The car accident flipped my life upside down and everything is a total mess now. i cant get out of this fucking rut im stuck in. all of the problems i had before have been magnified greatly and i think i need to hit up the doctor for some meds or something, because i cant get myself out of this hole in my head. dear girl, you mean the world to me. im so glad you're here for me, and mine. -oddp
  8. Dear methamphetamyne, sorry for your losses. shit sucks. stay up, keep it posi. -oddp
  9. Dear car accident, i fucking HATE you. thanks for basically ruining my life when i didnt do anything wrong. I basically only have a right arm now, doing anything with my left arm hurts too much. Sitting, standing, breathing, even picking up a cup using the left side of my body basically brings me to tears. -oddp hateful oner
  10. Dear Caligula, Thanks for lookin out brotha. I feel like shot but I'm lucky enough to be alive. -oddpinpursuitofcashmoney
  11. Dear boat, I did get picked up by the amberlamps! Going to the doctor tomorrow so I can tell them how shitty I feel and in so much pain, not to mention coughing up blood. -oddpgonnamilkthisasmuchaspossible
  12. Dear drunk driving idiots wearing popped collar polos who were driving drunk and decided to t-bone me doing 50 in a 25, fuck you. you're so lucky you got out and ran away after it happened because you were about to get your ass beat no fucking questions. Dear car accident gods who saved me and my gfs lives, thank you. im so lucky to even be typing this right now. -oddp thankful oner
  13. It's Tuesday. I've been awake since like noonish Saturday. No-meth-oner.
  14. Chillin with some fellow nightowls. On the deck, smoking a cig, browsin the interwebs via iPhone.
  15. True! tpbm has never heard dubstep
  16. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear mud, did you know we already broke the record for most rain in june for oregon? shits weak, im tryna hit up the rose festival but its raining nonstop. -oddp
  17. i actually found one but then i sold it for some black so i could get high, damn.
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