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Everything posted by Cracksmoka

  1. Cracksmoka


    no problem! [ATTACH]78546.vB[/ATTACH] :)
  2. Cracksmoka


    thats the same shoe... teal on one side infrared on the other...
  3. Re: Boa Vs. Pytho is ABC's favorite movie. *'dere snake dis big out thurr?!?! sorry... but i STAY with the south park clips.
  4. Re: Boa Vs. Pytho is ABC's favorite movie. *'dere snake dis big out thurr?!?! [ATTACH]78234.vB[/ATTACH]
  5. Re: Boa Vs. Pytho is ABC's favorite movie. *'dere snake dis big out thurr?!?! hahahahah^ [ATTACH]78210.vB[/ATTACH]
  6. Re: Boa Vs. Pytho is ABC's favorite movie. *'dere snake dis big out thurr?!?! [ATTACH]78205.vB[/ATTACH] i hate this fat bitch with a passion... she turns my stomach to even look at her.
  7. Re: Boa Vs. Pytho is ABC's favorite movie. *'dere snake dis big out thurr?!?! ahahah good one egg... [ATTACH]78175.vB[/ATTACH]
  8. Re: Boa Vs. Pytho is ABC's favorite movie. *'dere snake dis big out thurr?!?! [ATTACH]78172.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]78173.vB[/ATTACH] i didnt know which was better, and by better i mean far FAR worse...
  9. Re: Boa Vs. Pytho is ABC's favorite movie. *'dere snake dis big out thurr?!?! oh dear god...
  10. i have my fathers whole collection of vinyl... from the time i could crawl he had me listening to and going with him to purchase vinyl albums... he died when i was 14 so records have always had a real special place for me... There is nothing that can match the sound of music played off of a vinyl album...NOTHING. The large part of my collection is packed away right now, when i buy this house hopefully by the springtime ill be able to bust it all out again and then really post some crazy shit... here are some newer acquisitions and some favorites i always have lying around... and some 7"s:
  11. Cracksmoka


    shiiieeeetttt... $3.99???? thats cheaper than ONE pack of smokes... sign me up!!!
  12. Re: Boa Vs. Pytho is ABC's favorite movie. *'dere snake dis big out thurr?!?! [ATTACH]77914.vB[/ATTACH]
  13. Re: Boa Vs. Pytho is ABC's favorite movie. *'dere snake dis big out thurr?!?!
  14. Re: Boa Vs. Pytho is ABC's favorite movie. *'dere snake dis big out thurr?!?! thats david koresh in case you dont 'member...
  15. "BEN FRANKLIN" had me LOLering.... thanks.
  16. i dont know where you live... but there are like 2 people i would actually say "hold it down"... in the WHOLE city. and they know who they are.
  17. Cracksmoka


    they could pass for POO sex... MAYBE. And not the hot kind of poo sex... more like this kind->
  18. Cracksmoka


    retail on the huaraches is $100. If you try and buy them over the net its gonna be well over $200 with the shipping... most places that still would have them are all in europe. So $120 is within reason... IF of course the retail is not out of reason.
  19. that is up to interpretation... if i hold it against bx for originality and the fact dude was writing before i was alive then yes... its trash.
  20. dude can write his name with his finger on an air conditioner vent better than i could write mine on anything with any kind of writing instrument.... psssh,"garbo" my ass.
  21. Cracksmoka


    are they good for skating? i started skating again and its been YEARS... so i need a good pair. It is not my area of expertise. i WILL NOT wear nikes to skateboard in. I think that is the stupidest shit ever. thanks for teh helpz...
  22. all old stuff already posted long ago... just to keep things moving along.
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