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Everything posted by Cracksmoka

  1. not for nuthin "rege" but have you ever even been to north philly (which is where most of these pictures are from) to even speak on what or who is up? Personally i could give a fuck about all this beef, but i will say this, its not worth ANYONES effort to try and clown boner... NY writers are a completely different animal than philly writers, they are BUILT for beef, at least 50% of their writing usually revolves around it... and its kinda hard to beat someone at there own game.. even if its on your home field. Its obvious that when he does "B's" all around your fill ins and straight letters that hes just toying with you to get under your skin and show you that "he can get up here too, and he could have just as easily gone over you" in all honesty, im not defending the dude or siding with him or nuthin, but it would make sense for everyone involved to just squash it... its MAD petty at this point, and you all are good enough that you could be concentrating on other more productive shit... take it how you want it... i just would think this is getting old to everyone involved as much as those just watching.... whatever, peace.
  2. Cracksmoka


    got these and these too...
  3. Cracksmoka


    you all should have gotten these when you had the chance...
  4. thks, im not trying to pay though. and i have been using torrentscan, it just seems like people arent seeding anything anymore... idk whatever. whats that warez stuff, i remember hearing about it back in the day but i forget, im not the most computer savvy person in the world but im trying to learn to get my geek on... and when you tune a listening port from your router specifically for your p2pmanager (utorrent in this case) does it improve the speed of the other functions of my laptop, cause it runs slow as shit when i have it up.
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