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Bully Fingers

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Everything posted by Bully Fingers

  1. Shlak, Wesé, BANDIT, ROGéR and that huge COH roller...:mexican: orale simon guey!
  2. couple two/TREE get'n loose wit it!
  3. What happened to the rest of that wall??? Tese and Egor?
  4. bump EDEM! he do rake them leaves and leave them behind. Also, bump.. shit, way too many niggas doing it, been doing it....
  5. and that last omens piece a page or two ago! goddamn son! setting the bar up like what!!! MAJOR CHIPS!
  6. after Saturday's game you can go ahead and go over this...:lol: :lol: :lol: HOTSAUCE!!!!
  7. FFFuck yeah! Them OHDE handstyles! and my niggas KOMED and QUAKE EDS(K)emando!!!
  8. ^^^^^^^^^ FREE SLAK^^^^^^ TURK WESEL ALLDAY.
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