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Everything posted by Spitfire15

  1. Re: Great Pictures~ Wait, I didnt hear about this. Is that really true?!
  2. Sorry guys. What was I thinking. Im just used to the wholesale and un-needed slaughter of toads. I never cared about the method. Just the end result.
  3. I sued to use a trash poker to stab them in the head. You should invest in one.
  4. Remember to clean the hell out of black powder rifles when youre done with them. That black powder will eat through the inside of your barrel and weaken it. Ive heard a few first hand stories of them blowing up in peoples faces.
  5. This shit is on LIL B level. Which is total fucking garbage. The only thing that seperates this dudes terrible rapping and LIL B's is the jaw dropping enlightenment.
  6. Re: Great Pictures~ Tank Man was probably killed a LONNGGG time ago.
  7. I just stay away from that shit and suffer.
  8. I fuck with these guys. Shave every night in the shower. Never have any problems, unless I rush.
  9. *obligatory post about taking graffiti that other people do way too seriously*
  10. WOWWW Starting at: $349.95 Fuck me sideways, thats outrageous.
  11. This dude looks like his face would be on a box of detergent from 1907. What a fucking sambo nigger.
  12. Because theyre fucking awesome? I dont get where youre going with this.
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