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rolling nowhere

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Posts posted by rolling nowhere

  1. cranking the A/c fucking hot outside


    by antarctica standards.

    my sisters bf slid down the stairs this morning.

    hes a fucking oaf.

    and you could see the shit was iced over when you stepped out the door.

    maybe he will learn to pay attention now. a good 15 stairs on his ass. BOMP BOMP BOMP haha

  2. So ive been thinnking about buying one of those pk ripper fixed gears for a little while. talk shit say they suck whatever im here to ask a legit question. it would have cost me just over 500 bucks. BUT my friend says he can get me whatever I want at the dealer cost so i figure i can get something a little better for about the same price you know?

    i dont know exactly what kind of price drop that means but anyone have any suggestions for a fixed gear?

    carrrry on...

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