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rolling nowhere

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Posts posted by rolling nowhere

  1. maca, malooga, looga, cathy, maca malooga, luga cathy, cathy.




    I don't know how I know that, but I do.


    dude. hahaha. this is one of those movies i feel like no one but me and my little sister ever saw.

  2. got a probably frequently asked question, but how long will a tattoo last on your palm/sole of your foot? was looking at some guy le tatooer work and i cant imagine hes cheap or can be easily booked, so why the fuck would you get him to do something on the sole of your foot?

    if you go extra deep does it last longer or something?


    i told some hipster dipshit it wouldnt last. she wasnt hearing it and insisted she wanted a tattoo on the bottom of her foot. i enjoyed every second of torture she went through for nothing.

    not so secret sadist.


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