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rolling nowhere

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Posts posted by rolling nowhere

  1. Why do you have chickens in your bathroom?


    i wondered the same thing. when i moved in here they had a few in there because it was winter and cold as fuck so they let them hang out in a box with a heater while they grew up a little and it got warmer outside. this time i dont know. they were small but could have been outside the whole time. these were hyper shit beasts. they figured out how to get out of the box and went fucking wild in there. i didnt even go in there for at least a week. im not a clean freak by any means but that was straight up disgusting. im already starting to wonder if the super cheap rent is worth it haha.

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  2. Just finished mopping up a chicken shit residue covered bathroom that my lazy slob ass roommates decided was clean enough for them. im sweaty and pissed off. but now i can shit and take a shower and not feel like im about to catch a god damn disease.

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  3. Ive been in that conversation a bunch of times with people who "like graffiti". No they dont. Ive had friends who dont paint ask why dont i do something nice instead of a disgusting mop tag or a throwup. THAT IS NICE. Im not thinking oh this here piece is very artistic and quite lovely i must say! Im down with some folks but when it really comes down to it i paint solely for myself and dont even tell other writers i meet that i paint most of the time. People just need to fuck off. Most writers just need to fuck off too. I could ramble on but nah. blah blah blah


    If i saw someone wearing a hoodie that said vandal i wouldnt assume they were one. Id actually assume the exact opposite and heckle the fuck out of them.

  4. I think it was in modesto..i was riding a nb train to roseville and the tracks were up on a hill some kids saw me and one of them ran up and tried to jump on the trains and fell off busted his ass and rolled down the hill. fuckin toys.

  5. about to type about being unmotivated and wishing it wasnt so god damn hot here so i could ride my bike without being on the verge of heat stroke within an hour. trying to get inspired to make a poster. probably gonna make some bad ass breakfast tacos because i am the lord of all fevers and plagues and breakfasts.

  6. im into it. maybe that was a slight over reaction due to the lameness and stale ass boring canvases that are in here 90% of the time. i like creative. i like real paintings. i hate deco canvases with little drips and blobs and splats. H A T E. aww you did a girls name badly so she might touch yer peepee? AINT THAT CUTE JUNIOR...

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  7. i always thought it was a shortened version of "my word is my bond" (my word is my promise)....shortened to "word is bond"


    like how "fixing to" became "fixin ta" to "finna" (i finna go to the store)


    i always hear people say word is born though, so its whatever though.


    its bond.

    i hear people say born but a good number of people are fucking DUMB son.


    to anyone who says born...what the shit would word is born even mean????

  8. sippin sweet tea post 30 mile bike ride. watching my sister watch the real world and im yelling at the tv because some dumb bitch is lying about not getting her face fuckin punched up. why am i yelling at a tv? i dont even like tv. i just hate liars. god damn!

  9. its a drippy mess and i love it haha. i used 100 pens and i didnt measure the alcohol out i just poured maybe 3/4 of a smaller bottle in there. next time im gonna use more pens for sure. i also added just a tiny bit of black ink it seemed a little too transparent. but that was probably too much alcohol. worked out better than i thought it would for sure.


    have you guys who have done this a lot found that different brands of pens make better ink? or are they all about the same?

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