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Everything posted by meegosh

  1. just keep practicing and believe in your style
  2. http://home.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user&DERDB=ZG9tYWluPXlhaG9vJnRsZD1jb20mc21va2VyPTAmc2V4cHJlZj0xJnV0eXBlPTEmcmVsaWdpb25pZD0xMSZyZWdpb249JnBvc3RhbGNvZGU9MCZtYXJpdGFsc3RhdHVzPU8maW5jb21laWQ9NCZoZWlnaHQ9MiZnZW5kZXI9TSZmcmllbmRzPTEmZXRobmljaWQ9OSZhZ2U9MjMmYm9keXR5cGVpZD0tMSZjaGlsZHJlbmlkPTEmY291bnRyeT1CUyZkYXRpbmc9MCZkcmlua2VyPTAmZWR1Y2F0aW9uaWQ9NiZyZWxhdGlvbnNoaXBzPTAmbmV0d29ya2luZz0wJmRpc3BsYXluYW1lPUJoaXZlb25lciZmcmllbmRpZF9pbnQ9ODExNTM3JmlwYWRkcmVzcz0nMTAuNDQuMTI4LjUyJw==&setonlinenow=1&setrsi=1&Mytoken=18A4F0E4-090A-49AB-B766CE369C5DB10A83329350
  3. he died from being a killer singer. we will never forget
  4. adge definately showcasing that "e" sick catch*
  5. such legendary writers in the game those hense freights....are you kidding me?
  6. kudos for the etc boyz and that skem too
  7. Re: Don't Call it Frisco That NEsta is the new shit! hella props
  8. that DUST and SEEN production changed my life!!!!! thanks for painting that :D
  9. Katch killer definately an original freight king....much props cant wait for that book!
  10. props to this guy...nice pieces and those hoppers are clean diggity!!!
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