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Gat Bush

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Everything posted by Gat Bush

  1. current events: - trying to mack it to rocker girl. hope that pans out. - looking forward to new years. not really. - christmas break is the shit! no responsibilities! - i really do hope i mack it to that beezy. - cleaning up the casa. its been a long time coming. - i hate the bar scene. - ive been smoking a lot of blunts lately.
  2. bump for kosek x-men uac crews chitown
  3. i want: girlfriend (for the poon) money (cuz i am not rich) power (so i can feed hoes that yay)
  4. yea, but you gotta try mandarin con limes smashes in the bottle. FIRE! it is late and i am tired. one more blunt to burn b4 sleep. 'night.
  5. -boring weekend. one alright jam on saturday, but the music was emo-tronic, not my cup of tea. -smoked heavy blunts -i just ate a lot of pizza. maybe too much. -maybe ill paint tonight...
  6. unfinished fillin last night. wakkalocious.
  7. Gat Bush


    ^^^ im talking about chicago, obviously.
  8. Gat Bush


    ^^^ There is a large amount of work to be made in the bike messengering industry. At some companies you can pull upwards of $100 a day. There is far less people working the winter so if you are hardcore/dedicated you can make a lot of dough if you got the spirit. ma dad just gave me a fresh raleigh english ten speed. it cruises. will post flicks later.
  9. "Just these two things." 1) Ive concluded that i will never be able to bag any hoes off of myspace. I will therefore stick to the old fashioned tactic of talking to girls in person; the whole computer thing is so impersonal, and i feel sort of cheesy when i realised that i am E-hitting on girls. 2) I will however maintain my myspace account, simply for the possibility that i will one day, in fact, get pussy off of myspace. Another reason i will continue to have a myspace is to contribute to the Myspace Picture Post Thread, as we are all aware that it is the best thread in the whole of 12oz. GB out.
  10. yea i had my shit for about 10 months and i cut it down to crew steezy. *regrets it. :crying:
  11. i hope i get some pussy tomorrow. its been too long.
  12. someone should start a READ MORE thread. his shit is seriously dope.
  13. Good news for all you Chitown sk8ers (k3w11) the city is supposed to build a skate plaza type deely south of grant park. if only they hadnt eliminated every dope spot downtown. and i heard once the plaza is up everyone skating downtown will be ticketed. Chicago is a police state.
  14. COORS LIGHT doesnt give hangovers.
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