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Everything posted by morton

  1. That is one of the great things about film, we have been making it so long that there is a lot of it. what I should really do is what more foreign stuff but my wife does not have as much interest and it means no phone during movie
  2. watched the first one last night. not sure which rewatch I am on, maybe 3
  3. Perhaps my intent was unclear, I was suggesting an outfit for Mr. Yuck in particular to try as an exploration of wearing suspenders. I answered when you followed up on footwear but had not considered the uniform approach until this very moment when you put forward the concept of "we" dressing. That said, I see no reason the look would not scale.
  4. Polar bear pajamas and Nikes are a good combo for Saturday Night ER. Hope everything is resolved shortly. I am chilling at an Airbnb with my wife and her mother, we have been doing a day of agritourism in the Shenandoah valley. Always something with Airbnb, this unit is pretty proper, but, the second bedroom is between the primary and the rest of the unit. So when I get to to piss at 2 in the morning I gotta go through a room occupied by my mother in law.
  5. Suspenders do not necessarily replace a belt. Some suspenders require a belt, they are called Perry suspenders. You can buy a pair on Amazon for twelve bucks. I have worn both suspenders with clips and perry suspenders before. I have not worn loggers suspenders which require pairing with loggers pants which have the buttons for attaching suspenders. I worked with a dude that wore that style and it looked pretty solid, those suspenders were heavy duty, like with leather and stuff. All my suspender sporting has been for work clothes, I do not like for my ass to touch air if I need to get to some shit. Like anything there are pros and cons. I recommend work pants with white long sleeve button down shirt, suspenders and straw cowboy hat. Nobody will give you any shit at all but they may have a hard time making eye contact, when you can handle that, you are old enough. Since you think someone needs to teach you how to buy a belt, here we go. Go to Red Wing shoes and buy a plain brown leather belt with brass buckle, not the squared off kind. I have had mine for 27 years with no problems.
  6. Well, sure, it's fast food but really shake shack, whole foods salad bar or five guys is a little elevated compared to say kentucky fried. Speaking of food, what parts of the country do not know how to make a fucking french fry? I am in the mid atlantic region and you will be hard pressed to find a hand cut fry at even the pretentious gastro pub places, for a minute I was thinking that it was lack of russet potatoes growing in the region but I asked a couple workers at restaurants and they have said that the bagged frozen ones are cheaper than buying potatoes. Lazy cheap asses. So far, I think good tacos are off the menu for most of the country that does not border Mexico or the Pacific Ocean. Good pizza is off the menu outside of the mid-west and east coast, but only the east coast north of say DC. Where else do you guys see good/bad food by region. ?
  7. I spent 25 dollars for lunch at shake shack a few weeks back. Double cheeseburger fries and a shake. These prices find me double checking totals.
  8. At the doctor, they made me sign some shit saying if I missed an appointment I would have to pay a fee of 50, or 150 for procedure missed. Now, are they going to pay me for eating my time, Like hey we just fucked you off in that room waiting for an hour, here's a fifty dollar bill.
  9. $3.70 or something, dunno, it all goes on three company card so I don't really pay attention.
  10. I have never been on facebook or ig, have occasionally felt that I was missing out, looks like I have now missed out, on whatever it was. Time marches on.
  11. An artistic appreciation for the absurd there.
  12. Make it yourself? Where are the shrimp from? I have not tried mushrooms in a boil, how did that work out?
  13. Uber always tripped me out because they took what was a crime, running a taxi without a taxi license, sometimes called a gypsy cab, and put it on a smart phone and nobody noticed, they just stared at the phone instead of thinking. Payday loans have been regulated just a little recently, maybe putting the financing on an app will make it legal, sure looks like it. What other markets are out there for the innovators to disrupt? Prostitution and day labor are obvs but I am sure there are many more.
  14. do you guys remember the user from back around 2004 who used to post images of old 1930's travel posters? that was good stuff
  15. The standard form of the gesture is known colloquially as "two in the pink, one in the stink", referring to the number of fingers inserted into the vagina and anus respectively.
  16. How did it hold up? Remember liking it and especially the soundtrack when it came out.
  17. Following up on this mornings walk. Pretty typical Skipped the swim. Clock is always ticking on check out days.
  18. Early morning chill in the rental house, I am going to go for a final sunrise walk on the beach in a minute and start packing shit out to the truck in s couple hours. Would like up take a swim in the Atlantic while I am down there, but will probably skip it. Makes the wife nervous and everyone knows that is usually not with it.
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