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  1. I THINK WE ALL NEED A BOTTLE OF XANAX AND A 5TH OF 151 TO PASS THE FUCK OUT AFTER SEEING THIS ONE Quoted post Yeah, i don't know looks like dude was hav'in a rough night. :haha: Quoted post El Short bus! Quoted post [/b] wow,he bit noxer pretty good,from the handstyle,even his screen name(i.e. that nigga noxer)
  2. looks sick,time to stop posting in the toy thread,you sandbagger,lol!!!!
  3. hey way to go on that mailbox loser!
  4. is this farci? Quoted post it's arabic Quoted post [/b] as far as writing style goes,there is no difference between the two,its the inflection and theway the languages are spoken that makes them different.i spent a year in iraq,you pick up on stupid shit when your getting shot from behind the walls that shit is written on
  5. oh yea,rend,howlong did it take the usps to get you those stickers?i ordered min like 2 weeks ago and still nothing!you stay hawaii right?send me some!!!!im in waipio!
  6. rend your handstyles are dope.good job on sticking to the true evolution of graff(tag,throw piece) check out http://www.mrwiggles.com that helped me alot
  7. i like the holes in the E Quoted post [/b] i wanted it to look like some kinda face
  8. ok so im trying something brand new,trying to step out on my own with a new name,since i found out mad dudes write "SE" lmk what you think
  9. advice?critique? hawaiian guys let me know!!!
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