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Reloj Melsedge

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Posts posted by Reloj Melsedge

  1. shit i had to sign in to say:

    damn thats funny nagone saying go home to steve and directly after saying bump robot.

    robot has to be some of the gayest shit i have ever seen. actually it doesnt even get that much of a title in my mind, its just like every other art fag shit i see.

    fever whyd you cross yourself out? quit hating fool.

    and J.R.ewing shut up kid, i dont even know you.


    steven hang10 kbar fever

  2. junes stuff looks like a person who takes art classes and makes sculptures and paints with watercolors sometimes and then decided to do graffiti. i dont like the colors, the letter structure, the can techniques, the effects or the name. theres basically nothing i like about it.

    but thats just me.

  3. faggots who come on here to ask questions, let people know they arent dumb, let people know who their friends are or talk shit in a passive agressive or sly way are fucking... faggots.

    roll call of fuck yous:

    everybody except my friends

    sometimes my friends

  4. hey smokingonglass,


    just thought id drop a line and say what a really great idea your friend has with this whole graffiti park thing. it truly is fantasmic. and to top it off in a grassy open area. i can almost smell flowers and aerosol as we speak. what a truly magical and long overdue realization OF WHAT GRAFFITI HAS TURNED INTO YOU STUPID FUCKING SEMEN BREATHING CUM VACUME.


    if i ever catch you or your shitlip boyfriend lollygagging around oregon on your beach cruisers IM GONNA RUN UP TO YOU AND SMASH IN YOUR FACES WITH A FACTORY BRICK YOU CHILD PENIS TOUCHING FAGBOTS.


    LISTEN NOW AND LISTEN CLEAR set up your graffiti chalkboards and prepare for me to club em down like fucking seals with a sledge you sperm tongued anus bead.




    tell it blacktooth, thats that shit.

  5. i can see why theres so much dribble from these retards who think outlaws suck (theyre retarded therefor they run their mouths) but i still dont see why outlaws care what anyone thinks and why they feel its necessary to go back and forth with these morons.

    are you trying to change anyones mind or are you just trying to make them look stupid?

    if the latter is true, dont bother. it was obvious how stupid they are when they opened their mouths.

    and if youre actually trying to convince them of something, let me tell you right now its a waste of time. theyre as illogical and stubborn as a bible beating christian.


    bump outlaws vts bkf us ibd mls

    debump the rest of it.

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