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Everything posted by >>TYEsR1<<

  1. this fool has some rank ass eary style .. dont bite shitty graff writers,
  2. no u didnt your gay. plus no one gives a shit shut the fuck up already kid.
  3. come on man if your going to diss a cyfer peice then go over bust some clean steeze krunchey pezo shit if u could u know essay.
  4. o sorry i thought it was the other one:) :) my bad
  5. damn this cyfer was dope untill mean hacked it and then did a piece over it,
  6. did you do this or that canvas, if not dont post this gay shit kid.
  7. sounds good battel on.. to many toys on 12 oz.!!!!!
  8. how about you go suck a dick..^^
  9. see that gbk shit.. cut it the fuck out maggets. GB
  10. word bump rambo 4 kick ass shit puta.
  11. umm i dont even see how theres a bite there to compleetly different styles the words have only one of the same letters and i spell mine different depemding on how i feel so ... who are you and why do u think that anyones bitting anyone. TEETER .
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