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Everything posted by BustOne

  1. wierd they put reflectors back but not the box......this one was fresh man...
  2. caught in bmore, thankyou mr burning flesh if u see i stole this pic...
  3. benched in cali by all seeing
  4. thanks son. heres another!
  5. leads to which in then turns to, lol
  6. just found these online, tank does MAD graffito! wait, what?
  7. my guess is Mad Money!^
  8. that looks like it says gayer....
  9. oh and i fuckin LOVED the burgers from that ROYL jam, RIP..... thanks Craze, shit was bomb kehd!
  10. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/780208/ yeah but when asked/told to take it down by the writer/flick owner u thought it was cool to leave it up on flickr and shit for some reason? and then made me contact dude so he could then in turn tell u to take it off......either way, it all goes back to this comment rite here...."didn't know I need permission to post pieces from other artist".......now u know....i think thats a pretty widely known unwrittten rule of the land up in hurrr
  11. shit, alot of times, you do.....especially if its graffiti (illegal)....... thanks to RELS for the flickture....
  12. anyone got flicks of that Andoe and Hare when it was fresh by any chance por favor??
  13. that zero piece is fresh! best letters yet! http://vimeo.com/24298634
  14. as many times as people from other states flick it....this time it was caught in....Kansas!
  15. thats an understatement....
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