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Everything posted by xmyrtlex

  1. xmyrtlex


    USERS CURRENTLY VIEWING THIS THREAD: 83 (32 members and 51 guests)
  2. xmyrtlex


    garde asert doin the damn thing
  3. xmyrtlex


    boom boom pow pow more HEIST
  4. xmyrtlex


    never heard of mas crew but anyways......nice flicks 1struler pask ender sym PHRITE....RIP ooo yea and that rapes cant forget that
  5. xmyrtlex


    is that all you do on here is talk cause i never seen you post any pictures so how you gonna tell someone to post pictures and you aint doin shit yourself......hesmad maybe his crew didnt make the cut up there
  6. xmyrtlex


    bahahahaahah killed it ^^^^^^
  7. i heard red is 1st on the list for the gay marriage
  8. xmyrtlex


    holy fuck take this shit to PM's
  9. xmyrtlex


    cool name dropping but props to everyone in ohio doin work no matter what crew
  10. xmyrtlex


    yea thats a big negative
  11. xmyrtlex


    dadfase grose by pask
  12. xmyrtlex


    no not that i know of but thanks chief
  13. xmyrtlex


    so back to the pictures
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