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johnny ballbags

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Everything posted by johnny ballbags

  1. is there any way to trick a flash game into starting at like level 25 instead of level 1? i played that bowmaster game the other day up to level 25, but it only saved to level 11 cuz i left the browser window open and the battery died... i was having mad fun with the game, but theres no way im replaying 14 levels....
  2. alcohol didnt work either..... maybe its a problem with the iso file? or am i doing something wrong?
  3. Woman sets herself on fire in Seattle hotel elevator Seattle Times staff A woman set herself on fire in the elevator of a downtown hotel this morning, according to the Seattle Fire Department. The woman, who hasn't been identified, suffered burns to 60 percent of her body and was taken to Harborview Medical Center, said Seattle fire spokeswoman Sue Stangl. The woman had been a guest at the Marriott-Waterfront. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2003516343_webfirehotel09.html
  4. what (besides nero) can i use to burn an ISO to a cd?... i have tried a free/demo things and they just arent gettin the job done...
  5. 2007/01/09 Analysis of Microsoft's Suicide Note (part 1) by oday — posted at 2007-01-09 17:59 last modified 2007-01-09 18:27 Copyright 2006 Oliver Day, Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License Oliver Day is a former corporate hacker turned student. While at eEye Digital Security he wrote audits for the Retina Vulnerability Scanner and was a Principal Security Consultant for @stake. He has written an unpublished book on SAN security and found a variety of exploits in web-based applications. He is contributing to BadVista.org a series of posts about the presence and implications of the “content protection scheme” in Microsoft Windows Vista. This post is the first in that series. [editors note: this is becoming far too long a post for a single entry and will be serialized over the coming week] In a controversial technical analysis Peter Gutmann goes into fantastic detail about the recently released Vista operating system and its content protection scheme. One thing became clear to me after reading this analysis. Vista is being marketed to content producers, not consumers. If Windows XP was Microsoft’s attempt to embed a browser into the operating system then Vista is the attempt to embed DRM. Digital Rights Management technology has been applied to literally every ring of the OS architecture. Vista's target market is content producers and the underlying philosophy of the user experience will be far different then what many consumers expect it will be. Microsoft has attempted to plug the infamous “analog hole” as much as is possible by forcing all data through encryption algorithms. For those unaware of the “costs” of encryption it is sufficiently high. Pushing HD audio and video content through encryption/decryption routines is a tremendous strain on any system currently available and in the near future. Even with the application of Moore's Law a conservative estimate could place affordable and usable systems within this new content system 5 years away. It will be interesting to see how these restrictions will be spun by the large marketing and PR teams since none of these innovations will benefit consumers in any way. The job that has been handed to these PR and marketing teams is to dress up a product designed with every restriction a producer has asked for and make a consumer want to buy it. One of the most quotable lines from the Gutmann analysis sums this up perfectly as, “breaking the legs of Olympic athletes and then rating them based on how fast they can hobble on crutches.” In the past when I have delivered lectures to web application developers I would caution them to never trust user input. Perhaps developers took this philosophy a little too far. The entire operating system now seems to have turned against the user. Zero tolerance drivers and regulation code will lock the system down if any type of deviance is detected. So called “tilt bits” will signal an attack on the system if anything is found out of the ordinary. These changes won’t enhance user security unfortunately as they were designed to protect only “premium content”. Medical data, credit card numbers, and other private things that do deserve this level of protection are completly ignored. Untrusting of any environmental changes the system will shut down or degrade performance in response to a perceived attack. http://badvista.fsf.org/blog/analysis-of-microsofts-suicide-note-part-1
  6. BEFORE: AFTER: http://www.xs4all.nl/~orcl0606/Oracle/NWG/NeedAPainter.html
  7. dear job... i fucking hate you... -jb
  8. i agree, but keep in mind im at least 20 years younger than all my coworkers.....
  9. you guys leave people with a little work to do, which in my opinion is the best way for someone to learn...... people at work ask me for help on the same thing over and over cuz i have to hold their hand through the whole process....... and it sucks every time... /true story
  10. way too thin.... if it wasnt for the crazy guy i woulda changed the channel a while ago...... holy car flip batman!!!!
  11. i have a demonoid membership, but i have yet to do anything with it...... joo can use it if you want somejuan....... ps... im watching DIRT on FX right now and the schizo (sp?) is fucking awesome... i think one day i might lose my mind...
  12. thanks casek.... i will learn me some stuff.... stand by for further questioning (or dont.... its really up to you..)
  13. thanks... i knew enough to update it... i just wasnt sure if there were any mods that could be done or anything..... what would be the point of "hacked" firmware? or should i go find out for myself?
  14. i just replaced my old router with a wrt54g (thanks some1).... is there anythign i need to do to it out the box to make it work better?
  15. 3 minutes late bro... sorry.... i rushed fast as i could....
  16. q, can i get til 12 eastern time on the coop? is it even cool if i jump in?
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