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Everything posted by guerillaeye

  1. OK.. I'll use PHARM CONTROL LTD (PMCL) .. i have no real clue what this company is about.. but im guessing it has to do with drugs.. it is at .02/share.... (it was at 5.00/share in december, but took a BIG shit..) At any rate.. this stock has been doing a "yo-yo" thing.. dropping to .011 and back up to .021.. loosing 50% and then jumping 100%.. if you buy your shares at .011 and sell at .021, you make 100% profit on your investment. I dont own any shares in this stock.. most of mine are in a Telcom Stock.. that (i hope) will give a nice return... but people that have been playing this one have made a lot of money in the last few days.
  2. i have no idea.. i just tried to fix it, and it kinda worked.. (i check spelling before i post on this god-forsaken forum.)
  3. Who does it? I have a few thousand shares in a few places.. Only a couple hundred dollars, really.. but the thing with penny stocks is, you can buy 25000 shares at .005, so you start with a 125.00 investment, and if its a good pick, can go up to .05 cents in a few days time.. your 125 turned into 1,250. i got my startup funds by cashing in some stock-options my company gave me.. i am poised to make some good profit in a few months time, reinvesting and flipping (sounds familiar to some, im sure..). You can make a mint or loose your ass.. Anyone else play the market?
  4. Re: I want to see you, yet again ill trade the link to the bewbs thread for an oink invite- whos got me
  5. im kinda sour at the fact that he just got laced with some ill lrg gear and already got pee on it.
  6. dude.. this is hella sad, because a lot of the kids getting mixed up with it are in middle school.. too young to know better and have the $2 for a bag... real sad. wwaaaaahhhhhwwaaaaahhhhhwwaaaaahhhhhwwaaaaahhhhhwwaaaaahhhhh <-- glade
  7. Birds - 01 | Fabio - 00 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaVhJ47diok
  8. bird-0 | car-1 bird - 0 | roller-coaster - 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvGZJdgO7g0 bird - 0 | roller coaster - 02
  9. check this one out.. i cant find the words.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyDJ2kW2s5g&mode=related&search=
  10. take notice at 3:19 owned http://youtube.com/watch?v=UyJuZef9r9c&mode=related&search=
  11. Lifted from a uk thread in brickslayers.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FveIeUGpsBA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW5VUuh6kt4 fat kids have all the fun!
  12. 16.. snuck out of my parents house at like 2:30 and met up with my girl at the time in my friends filthy garage. (me and my homies set up a chill spot in the rafters we could smoke herb and drink in.. there happened to be a matress and condom stash if such a situation should ever arise.. ha.)
  13. if you're in aa and you feel it could work for you, then why the fuck dont you call your sponsor when you feel like drinking? thats why you have a sponsor. you do have a sponsor, dont you?
  14. who are you going to vote for?
  15. Re: so apparently mexicans are taking over my town BUMP la familia!
  16. most company servers cannot block a secure web site.. web sites that start with https:// ... so try https://www.the-cloak.com .. if that works, then find a secure proxy and your golden.
  17. 93.. i scored 132 last time i took a real iq test. i call shenanigans.
  18. i like how beelzebul said he and the G*d Force are down 4 L1F3
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