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Everything posted by iweardoorags

  1. land of the autoparts. must have a lot of bluecollar schleps around there
  2. id much rather see on of UPs heritage fleets than drink some cruddy water that a miserable conductor has. good pos by the way, i had no idea the bad brains endorsed vandalism.
  3. Great film. Great footage. See this flik!
  4. that dzone, phone and lyes is fuckin tubular!
  5. some nice stuff in this post. that IC&E sd40-2 is in pretty good condition. big names up in this piece yo
  6. any time theres a line of autoracks being pulled theres always a kose on it. that dude is up!
  7. good stuff. yen34 on cnw nothing louder than the GEs es44acs. fuckin pieces of garbage!
  8. some real solid shit in there. mainly the crispo!
  9. aw boo hoo if theyre too big. if you dont like it too bad go take youre own shots and stop being a whiny little girl. be greatful. via rail dumps more money into cleaning their cars then you could ever imagine.
  10. a bunch of fliks here, from the last month or so, some were rolling, some were not. if you dont like these i dont care. like usual, wait til im done... ...theres more coming.
  11. that isto is really nice. good post
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