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Everything posted by IndexFingerS

  1. saber actually fixed it, you can tell because the awr and msk letters are different colours than the original.
  2. is pass/no pass better than getting a letter grade?
  3. Fuck you for not allowing me to access any of my 389 dollar pay check for 9 days all because my account was down 2 dollars and some odd cents. I'm going to a new bank any suggestions. I'm leaning towards wells fargo or bank of america. :hatred: here's an emotioncon to help get my point across
  4. I just got me tops ones out tuesday and my bottoms out about 4 years ago. They milked my ass for some skrillz.
  5. does pask piece at all? I'm lazy to try and work that site it seems like everything isn't working on it. Someone post some pask flicks. Shouldn't be hard he had at least one throwie on each freeway I traveled.
  6. I'm from the east bay but I was in ohio a few months back and I saw a ton of pask I think on the way to the airport. so PASK gets props from me. I also saw a very horrible sexy. and I think it was GCT but they had tons of shit too.
  7. to not get the points on your record pay a dollar more than the fee and they will send you a check for the dollar and then don't cash it and they can't put the point on your record until you do that. So I've heard. I think I got it from buddy head.
  8. the blind black white supremicist shit was off the hook.
  9. I say you do it. I mean in 5 years you might regret that shit. If the brother can beat your ass just get some brass knucks problem solved. but be safe use rubber her secret ex might have had secret stds.
  10. 1585 this game is addicting, but what happens when he is on fire. He lit on fire and it did absolutely nothing I'm aware of.
  11. I got with a girl that got with a dude that got with this girl. I reall feel honored. in a weird way.
  12. school full time in fall and work part time
  13. I'd go with the diarehha bit. Sounds flawless.
  14. haha my hand is raised. I think I'm going to actually try and make a girl queef.
  15. damn this probably the best website, asians getting busted not 12oz
  16. dude got his shit rocked by that horse
  17. Anyone have the dream where you are fighting some but when you punch them it doesn't hurt. Those always freak me out.
  18. I thought he was gonna ahve to get height to clear wall too. Mark Appleyards style burns kostons too.
  19. this may just be the best thread on 12oz
  20. I saw this one pron where it was a black dude and some white bitch. while fucking the bitch takes of her blonde wig and she had a shaved head and the like a minute later it pans in and the black dude is wear a long blonde haired wig boning this bitch. I think I peed a little bit from laughing when I saw this.
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