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Everything posted by simewon..............

  1. ummmmmm your not from here, all u see is whats on this thread. atb ruins everybodys shit cause they cant do shit but these wack throws that they didnt even make up themselves. no bodys crying, and nobodys scared of these wanna b "gangster bombers".Im DEFINETLY NOT SCARED of these bammas. i KNOW all of thes dudes. i was like a FATHER to all of them at one point. expecially slae, cause his mom would come to the basement all drunk and hit on me and shit. he even said to me once that i was like the father that he never had. everyone in that crew was on my nuts at one point but i couldnt fuck with them any more cause when koma got rich from his grandma dyin he started gettin a big ego and thought that he was above everybody. ok..atb dissed one of my freights. am i supposed to go fill 4 fill with them?? if there bustin throws over pieces then im bustin tags over there throws. WHY should i play there game, when they cant even play mine????? its as simple as that. AS far as paint goes, nobody knows how i get my paint. somebody might give me paint. i might boost a few cans. or pay for it straight out my pocket. so fuckin what??!? im still taggin on there shit. who cares how i got it. koma buys all his paint. hes got a HALF MILLION BUCKS from a dead relative. and if hes not buyin it hes stealin it from his work.down by that spot near ***. (didnt think i knew about that shit, did u old buddy). So outta towner get your shit straight and know the whole story b4 u decide to comment on something that u know nothing about. thank u Quoted post Actually it just so happens i have been in a few of the cities, i guess these guys have lived in or mabby were just there to play. I now fully side with them after seeing what a dry snitch you are, i think i will most likely rag your shit from this day forth, jsut cause thats what i do with snitch fagots, if your like there dad then punish them, you sound like a dad who has no control of what his kids do, These kids obviosly dont give a fuck about you or the rest of the dc scene judging by things here(on the board) as well as the city (wich i have been to as well). You all ore obviosly pussys anyways, this shit should have be set up and taken to a nice little park and faught out. but the info droping needs to go.toy. Judging by your last post and how much you like to talk i would say you had only been writing for a year. preaty sad :clown2: Quoted post [/b] after all that what does it matter what I write. i know your a toy who thinks he is good and is still living off the time he was down with ewok, you dont even paint no more bro, give it up and stop coming on here like your the president or something, what would make you think people wana hear you, you hardly even put down any street work, yet these foold in dc are obviosly getting down with the Elegal shit and all you can do it hate, because one of your boys stupid legal walls got dissed, but like you just said all the negitivity needs to stop, so stop! :huh2: :shook: Quoted post i have nothing to prove,,, i know i suck( ill burn ya ina heartbeatbitch),, i know i didnt do alot of street work in dc/va/ny/mexico/germany(dumbfuk, guess i should start posting shit to "let niggahs know" haha) ewok was in my crew, not the other way around, and if i got inspiration from anyone one of em it was demon and deos(so get ya facts streight fucker) I dont paint anymore ( but have more trains runnin than yah mahs had dicks.) legal artwork( i do it all faggot,, something about being unlimited.. ) and yes,,, what do write again........
  2. fuckyall,, what you write homie? ill agree wit ya on the park shit, but not knowing shit bout this city bro, plllease shutup... not only do your thoughts/oppinions need to cease but at this point i think everyones does. including my own. it is what it is.... dc's been dead. so letem keep killin it.... they dont go over my shit personaly, but its going over my homeboys i have a problem with, so two cuez pieces capped, two ahoy trains smashed.pointless but done,. they keep doing it, and yes, it will catch up to them, graffiti no longer plays a part in it. Sooo, enough talk, enough self promoting on the net to claim a kingship......enough ewww we bust gunz, stab nigahz, murder ave yadiyadi,,,so youve done dirt.. big deal, advertising that shit is what makes you NOT a gangsta, should know better. one day yall gonna wake up and realize that theres more to life than negativity, whether its all this bs catchin up to yall or just figuring it out on ya own hopefully, won would think yall woulda taken heed from your boy ahoys bs... but dunno,, some cats never learn from their mistakes.im sure he wishes he had right now. so keep on makin em...........
  3. stay off my homeboys shit....legal or not...... period :burn:
  4. buahahhahahhahahhahahhahhahahahahahahbuahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahaha................................................................................................................ goodshithomie........
  5. atleast you got one thing right,,,,, cave isa beast.....
  6. ummm yes yes and yes.............................
  7. :king: wildstyle,,, buahahahaaahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaaaaa
  8. sonnies do get busy............... good2seeatb...................... keepcrushin,,,,,,,
  9. ill shit .............................................
  10. naw,, comes with experiance....
  11. p.s,,,, you really should watch what ya put on the net...........................................................
  12. umm koma,,, i aint talkin in the third person first of all, Niggah i was there,, and that did happen............ so i didnt catch fame off of being a bigtime dc bomber.never claimed to be, people see where my skill is. ohwell,, niggah i was recognized for painten trains in germany before you even started skatin..... i dont think you understand what im trying to get across. word,, its a know fact,, you kinged the small ass city of dc.. propsgiven, but expand son,, obviously you care about va, ya drive out here, way out here just to do like 10 throwies on a legalwall... what im sayin is,, if you got beef with cats around here or eon or whoever,, settle that shit,,, lets set up some boxing matches,, leave the gunz alone and fist it up niggah.... be a man,,,,,,, and them likewise..
  13. hmmm..... "graffiti is not hip hop" niggah shutup...... Legal wallz, hmmmmmm... lemme put it this way, im retired, i did my share of bombing, not only here in dc but across the fuckin world, i was painten trains before yall niggahz even knew about graffiti. 2 Ive been in trouble. 3 im old, so for me to rock a legal wall is really the only way for me to get my rocks off these days without jeopordizing my job/relationship/family/etc.. yall will understand when yall get old. dont get me wrong, i love bombin, but to old for it, but along with bombing comes the EVOLUTION OF SKILLZ "graffiti is not hip hop" once again niggah shutup... thats the other side of the story, get up and get ill (progress)..... Which is why i have a problem with coma, word, he's good at what he does, prob the best we have/had (despite his throwie lookz just like casts) BUT NIGGAH, YOU DISSED MONTCLAIR WALL WITH MY SHIT ON IT... MATTER OF FACT, I WALKED UP TO IT WITH MY EIGHT YEAR OLD NEPHEW TO WATCH YOU AND XRAE BOLT (so quit all the hardcore ACT)..... cmon dog, let us oldtimers do what we do.... besides all the crossin n dissin shit i actually respect what you do, untill its over my shit.. I will be rocking legalz in the city this summer.. stay off em, i know too much about you already... what this city needs is unity, a bench, something... Niggahz wonder why the insides arent rocked and only the red line really "has it" opposed to the other lines..why is it us vs us and not us vs the people that oppose us from doing our artwork...doesnt make sense...... but word,, i hope everyone keeps doing what they doing with a lil more unity,,, then dc will be revived, more so than ever was before.........oh and sieko,, lemme peep that rooftop you did with e........ peace
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