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  1. Wish I had more to contribute, but collecting gifs doesn't override my other hobby: collecting leaves shaped like pre-pubescent Jessica Albas.
  2. Lullaby is definitely the best, followed by Choke. Glad to hear at least some others aren't too scared for Chuck's writing. But I knew robotripp would be in, he's from Austin. ;)
  3. If I had a couple o' Rockstars I could keep 'em down for however long it takes to drive from San Diego to Houston. 10 hours divided by 500 kids = .05 kidkill factor. I win.
  4. That's why I'm going to become a burnt-out heroin junkie and rot in a hole by the time I'm 35. And I'm not having kids, either, because they'll just turn out to be slaves like the rest.
  5. Those geebers are so slick. Remind me of old school Mega Man for some reason. ;)
  6. Every single fuckin' one of them. But here's the best of the worst. Fuck fame.
  7. My backpack happened to snatch a pair of these at a local Guitar Center. :love2:
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