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  1. some recent ish stuff all from the start of this year latest being the one with the blue splash fill below
  2. runci


    some throws after piecin
  3. my new paint i got not included some chrome burners n black coversall n dregs
  4. runci


    big runcis throws throw n a blockie
  5. new outline wanna paint it soon
  6. coupla outlines goonnna paint the last one
  7. not sketched properly in ages.. shitty flick n coodnt find a gel pen for highlights...
  8. some recent quick scribbles..
  9. have to use newspapers now.. i lost my fuckin brand new bbook :(
  10. what ma old name gush!?!?! and what u mean more proportioned!?!? and am from scotland uk and ill post thsi agen quik simple shit
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