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count chocula

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Posts posted by count chocula

  1. lol

    i only remember us agreeing on how much we love girls on bikes,

    and being sure to point out the ones that represented that genre best.



    my legs are angry at me after this mornings ride.

  2. Ah. I did see you... I recall thinking "I bet that dude is freezing" haha

    I was headed downhill - 2 of us climbing types (skinny) in red & black kits. White/orange bmc

  3. Hey rubbish ...any chance you were linking up with those Oakland heads for that Morgan territory ride?

    also, I was on redwood rd around 10:30 this morning - may have passed eachother

  4. holy fuck todays ride was cold.

    it has dropped to about 35/40˚ in the mornings within the last day, just when i got used to the 50˚ rides.


    i love climbing, but these descents are leaving me numb.

    tempted to bust out the snow gear.

  5. Theres a cxrace there this weekend ...I'm being persuaded to compete but may just go watch.

    in other news - fuck neuvation wheels. Found some cracks today - so I just bought some fulcrums for the cross rig.

    Red & black all day!

  6. holy shatner Gacy - i was just logging in to comment on that beer.

    drinking it now and, unlike you, i think it fucking R00LZ.


    it's seriously all i love about beer.

    nice alcohol taste, hops, spicy aroma… ffffffffuuu

  7. ^ whoa.



    yes joker, if i wasn't already sold yesterday - today's ride has made me a believer -- PRAISE THE LORD!


    for real —

    lot's of technical stuff today to test my wits.

    starting to get the hang of a smooth dismount+hurdle+remount.

    bailed and was able to laugh about it.


    i'm amazed this bike can put up with the sort of abuse i've put it through in the last 48hours.



  8. b4e3a8e3.jpg?t=1290292375


    baptism by fire… errr — mud rather.

    shit is fucking TITTS. put in 3 hours today... lots of mud (rained all day yesterday).

    climbing these steep trails and not being able to stand due to slippage is going to work wonders for my power levels - haha.

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