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  1. That's crack! :freak2:
  2. WIZ

    Chi Town styles

    disregaurd this post people ... just experimenting disregaurd this post people ... just experimenting disregaurd this post people ... just experimenting disregaurd this post people ... just experimenting :yuck:
  3. WIZ

    Chi Town styles

  4. have fun and battle already
  5. you gotta also keep in mind if you get caught doin trains that most likely it will be a felony and the penalty also depends on your background and if your a repeat offender or not.... just gotta peep the yard ahead of time before you paint them, dont tell nobody about your spot and just be the hell careful. if your that paranoid about getting caught, then get on some incogneato shit and look like one of the railworkers :lol:
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