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Everything posted by At_the_Boyles

  1. yo Rend ... where are you from?
  2. silly black people arent allowed in libraries. thats just stupid.. they cant even read
  3. thats not a reall drive by that from a moive called Gang Tapes..... its stupid...dont watch it
  4. soviet, rumor, funk , karma, ich
  5. Non-interchangeable slang, herman. Saw the PBS series, it was the shit. I don't really remember too much from the books, read them when I was really fucking young. All I really came away with was wondering what the hell kind of little crack rock Turkish Delight was. Quoted post [/b] fuck ya bleach/water will get rid of chiggers also i have doen this many a time... never had scabbies but they are in many ways the same type of bug... just dont do to much or it will dry your skin and burn it real bad and you could end up peeling all over ...
  6. I saw the PBS series also a long time ago also....i htought it was well done..stuck pretty close to the book and i thought the digital shit was very well done... thought when the two chicks are riding aslan it lookskinda like the scen from harold and kumar where they are riding the cheeta yet not sio cheesey if that makes any since... but i have read the entire chronicles a few times acutally... are they coming out with a movie for each book or was it just this one??
  7. fuck yah i have this calander also...
  8. definatley YEN34 along with worms eye and pepe
  9. no red x's on either of my computers logeed in or out....
  10. sorry if some are 2 big...deal with it still more
  11. wait till im done most new.. some old A2M end2end now for the rest of the flicks(sorry about the quality of some or most...): more to come
  12. porer erupto ghouls ....some others
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