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Everything posted by deterrent

  1. BOMBACLART, I've awlays woundered how to spell that
  2. If only they were a dragon and a fly, they'd have wounderful kids.
  3. If I knew a little more about science, a little more about biology, a little more about animals, and a little more about insects my life would be completely different. (Imagine dream sequence from television now.) My name would be Gerald Oxford Donnell, and I would try my absolute hardest, with my whole heart and my whole brain to get the eggs of female flies and the sperm of male dragons to have tons of intercourse and spawn off a real dragon fly. I'd show all the jerks of the science, biology, animal, and insects communities that I was king of the laboratory. They'd call me by my initials, Gee Oh Dee. They'd say things like, "I'm running to the starbucks, Gee Oh Dee how do you take your coffee?" and I'd reply "Out your ASS-HOLE!" While dragonfly would be the obvious name and my favorite for it, I must respect that it has already been taken. The next best name would be Dragon Fly, but you must pronounce the space in it, Drangon Space Fly. Which would be fitting because frankly it would look like something from "OS" (outter-space).
  4. Rocks blows, Rocks blows. chgo theres more.
  5. That sucks, I felt that was the strongest thread in brick slayers. I'll start to post some pictures in here from the last time I was there.
  6. GBM, I'll get you with those above images. Y'all know what time it is, CHGO hands.
  7. deterrent


    That seems like a strange thing to say. Sounds like something I say when I'm not a real. Great thread thou, that wads is sick.
  8. sorry if there has been any doubles
  9. More cypher for you, and a couple other chicagoo cats.
  10. Thanks, I actually was unaware of this. However, my prerogative is it is a different state, different style and a different spelling. I've been a part of graff since I was 13 (not always writing deter), and now at 23 I can look through out graf history and see this repeatedly. Some will add their street number or another suffix like one, 2, ski, ster, etc., have a different spelling, or sometimes just being from different parts of the nation/world to seperate themselve as an entity. There are a barn load of instances that we all can think of for this situation and are these people have been respected by not just the communities of writers but by the likeness as well, provided the intent was not to steal or any other ill-ration. My purpose is not to disrespect, step on toes, or claim someone else fame, it's purely to wreck. I'm deter chicago, il. i don't think you are a dick, thanks for dropping information because personally no one has ever said a thing or had a problem. I enjoy the pictures you post your hands and fills are very nice :innocent: d
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