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Everything posted by infamouscraze

  1. onheres for myst... dera for tole...
  2. hahah.... call him out on the tracing paper...
  3. does my vote from angel1 not count for anything???
  4. i said before i dont got a digital cam or a scanner... so i drew it out... then i transfered it slowly to p.s... and thanks ang...
  5. here it is... and just think of the pain i could have caused with a pen...
  6. ill hit up da minds battle... question though... i don't got a scanner so can i do a digi... i can have it done by sat... and itll be outline only...
  7. for the arrest battle... <h1>Onheres</h1>
  8. a bit blurry but i made this for my girl for v day... fuck the candy and bears...
  9. new page Quoted post [/b] yo... you in atlanta??? i saw one of ya stickers here on da GSU campus... just woundering...
  10. a canvas done for my lady friend for christmas...
  11. if everyone slacked then what do you call this??? i think this shit is ill...
  12. i think all of you are right... about everything youve said about nomaks paintings... but... ive seen nomaks stuff all around my home town... ive seen his style progressions, his karries, everything, and personally, i like the flava that the cardboard brings to his style... i think it totally fits the way i see his art... ive seen it on wood, on walls, on bridges too... and no matter the material, i think it all soots that cat... hes got hella mad skills... keep rockin the cardboard... im lovin it... i think its a great media for what your rockin...
  13. yo man... are you interested in selling the hendrix one... id definitly be down for buyin that one... that is some sick shit... you got some sick skillz with a can... graffiti... portraits... it don't matter... you got this whole thing on lock...
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