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Everything posted by dizEspelz

  1. HAHA! thats dope dude. yea there's a "DRAW" function on those things, i used to fuck with that too
  2. Bad like how? Perhaps you can illustrate with some of your own work. Preferably done inside an innercity train that's moving
  3. excellent FOUR that high-tech SINEK-PHRITE (RIP) and red-hot AQUA-SONE-SWERV lots of great catches OBEY THE PUSSY!!!
  4. thats awesome. u caught one of mine from like eight years ago...
  5. nice catches but damn son, dont be so salty about posting you decided to post, no one's twisting your arm and i agree about streaks. i dont paint over em, even in the dark...
  6. you call that sloppy? get your head out your asshole
  7. hot shit REMORSE SEV, i dig the S & E but that V is a little too wide, it doesnt match. if you made the bottom of it a mirror reflection of the bottom of the S i think it would look sick...just a suggestion
  8. YOU BET YOUR ASS I ALWAYS BRING A TOWEL!!!! wet metal aint stopped me yet... that LINUS is bonkers!!!!
  9. that was a nice thread for us kids. hotness all around
  10. might-be-bombin: I always finish a piece the same night I started it, not everyone does, but I think it's something you should try to do. If you have to stop in the middle of a piece, it's probably not working and you should just move on to a new one. Turtz: If u have to ask, dont fuck with that shit... SHIFT: tight character
  11. it might not be great now, but drawing those fast lines is what you eventually want to be doing. From watching a lot of cats better than me I realized that the best way to put down a line is to locate the start and finish points with your eyes, and then connect the imaginary dots in one swift motion. The more you use spray paint the more u will realize this is how to paint as well. Think about it, if you draw a line too slowly with the can, you'll get drips! To combat those shaky hands, I would say aim your medium where u want the line to start, keeping the pinky-side edge of your hand pressed against the page, then lift up your hand at the exact moment you whip out that line. regardless of whether these specific tips were helpful or not, just remember that everyone adds their own flavor to their art, oftentimes because of their own particular challenges with the art-making process.
  12. AND DONE!!! dont bitch about the large sizes, just enjoy tha detaiL!!
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