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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. lol this place is like a female prison...every1 seems to PMS together....
  2. yea i no wat u mean..thanks for the feedback...just rushed thru this....since i did a ruff sketch..instead of doing it again in clean paper..i jsut decided to go over it with paint markers..
  3. my penis is brown...so is my shit.
  4. great job..u can read.... it is the toy thread last time i checked..wats the pt of making idiotic observations like that...:D.... the sky is blue...
  5. thanks bro.. bose here ya go...only have time to do outline srry..
  6. whens teh exchange gonna come se.
  7. dude dont use those markers..ur better of using a pen cola..just kinda hard to see everythinng....i believe tuscs style can def "evolve" just gonna be extremely hard...dude a quick q...um...is the U connected to the S i mean share a side..i mean i can def read it...but i think u shud seperate it..wienot..dude..ur one of teh sickest ppl on this page..
  8. ok maybe its not the fill...um i think it may mostly be in the 3d colors.
  9. amkah those letters are of the heezy..i like them a lot...and think theyr the better of ur work...the fills well...im biased cuz im not really into those kinda fills..
  10. i can read it oddly enuff...
  11. thanks...lol blart i dunno abt UN but maybe an annual toy bench..lol but who knows it cud grow if this shit works out...anyways heres a real quick freestyle.i dun remember the last time i posted a freak...ill fix it up later...
  12. dudes let blart come...the more the merrier... and umm... SE here ya go....i dunno if i have the time to color it....anytime soon atleast....
  13. no idea...purple and cnue are wrkin on it?
  14. Dangit i was looking for the bodega at mass ave....cudnt find it...found where the utrecht pplace is tho.... lol its wierd..why would a bodega be in such a fancyschmancy place...reminded me of park ave or something.... sone ill be working on it soon
  15. yea np wat do u write SE...good shit amkah...i like it a lot..
  16. just checked out proletariet yesterdy....i bought some paint markers from them and hit up their blackbook....i saw a duse sticker there..it was weird... thanks for the info.
  17. yea dude..rite back at ya...i guess ill be seeing ya at the bench.
  18. thanks a bunch bro.....i was so pissed off todya i walked all the way from somerville to northeastern univ.
  19. goddamnit...fuk this transit system at boston..i was gonna watch the midnite show of oceans 13 but had to head home cuz some1 said the subway closes at 12:55...wheres the graff store at...blart,?
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