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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. lol i dunno if i should feel bad...just used my id to help buy this kid paint at proletariet...and got me a violet deco paintmarker. wat the hell is up with info on the bench..it better not have already happened..
  2. like the first one. its almost symmetrical...um i dunno if this would look good but cud u post up the same sketch except make the letters the same width throughout... knim i like the first and last one.. fuk been sick all week so have made not much progress with sketches..did this while on a greyhound bus to ny still a work in progress..
  3. a rough wienot 3d i quickly did...still wroking..and a werk in prg for sank......guess im doing a spidey theme...dunno..
  4. i like the fill but it doesnt take awya from the fact that the letters are a lil weak...
  5. nigga u better better be the first dude to hit my book if there is a bench bro...shits tyte.
  6. purple i no wat u mean..i will def get one for u just myte take some time...so honestly dont work on mine till way later....awesome ninerides.your shit is always fresh bro....i have a few sketches i was working on for ya for the bulk exchange thinng...but im not satisfied with emm. sank imma clean these up...and color tehm in...
  7. yo purple def wanna exchange with ya..just gonna be a long while...cuz i still have a few ppl im working on..and im finally done with the sank sketches im working on,...umm sank is it cool if i pass on the theme thing ...cuz im all themed out..
  8. sank im still working on sketches..nothing i do seems to be coming out fresh..so ill continue...with more sketching oh yea..thanks a bunch bouncing that shit was fresh..ill have one for ya after im done with blarts.
  9. just cuz he dont like ya shit doesnt mean he said hes bettr thn u.
  10. ooohhh..i get it like the pumping system for decos/paint markers..this one doesnt pump tho..i no it looks a lil retarded but ill try to find a way to make use of the whole edge...
  11. wat do u mean by pump it?
  12. fuk lol...tahts exactly why i bought it....to try and use the whole edge ..for calligrafficall purposes..
  13. fuk respiridol. lol just got this shit..its my bebe ...
  14. yo enigmatic....u shudve conected the a on the top part.and unconnected the bottom part of the R....but the..fills nice..i like it...
  15. sank just started working on a few sketchs..tried doing a 3d but everythings wackk./
  16. the colorings nice..and the er letters arent as nice as it could be..it doesnt fit, fuk i graffitied my self out...i gotta take a break ill work on a sank peice...then the collab"bulk" thing...then a knews piece.then amkah piece....later.
  17. knews that lookks sick...but the n kinda looks likea "u",u no wat im sayin? where the hell has duse been...havent seen him here in a while.
  18. um...im still gonna do individual pages for ppl...lol trying to do a justice league theme ...but ...sure..ill trya collage with every1s names on 1 page too..just gonna make the names a lil simpler i guess..i dunno..is it cool if i just copy over wat i did for duse and anroe. on that page?
  19. lol amkah still seems complicated ...i try it tho...thanks...and blart may be a while...cuz i wanna color in anroes..ill prob just post a sank sketch before hand tho..
  20. yea Blart..that freaks nice bro..thanks...... and cnue yea i wanna now how u go abt doing ur fills ....i can never go that complex w/o fuking shit up ..so i jsut do 2 color fills.
  21. i like those spikes that are coming out of the letters.. cnue i liked evrything abt that peice u posted but the 3d lines...they ruin it kinda..
  22. hey u cant write QRZJZ...i used to write that in the old days...and i also had 9 numbers after it to..
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