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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. seriously tho it is as much an accomplishment to pull of an ill simple..as it is to pull an ill wildstyle...
  2. OOOOOHHH he beat u nigga ..cola...ur not the young one anymore lol
  3. ghost post the dopest simple u can do..and then u can go on doing watever ur doing.. i have done a few good simples...but nowhere near duse status...
  4. fuk no im broke as hell cuz i gotta rent an apt with 2 other strangers while im here...and my job doesnt cover it..
  5. well i did mention that im working in a hosp in boston for the summer and that i go to college..lol
  6. lol i may be the oldest person in the toy thread 20...and still younger than ya sis
  7. dang thats a first timer?...both are cool...the throwie may not have looked good on paper to some ppl...but ppl def cant say that doesnt look fresh on a wall.
  8. lol yea...honestly how complicated cud it be...
  9. lol doesnt it come with directions ?
  10. mspaint skills niggaa!!...lol i butchered it i no..
  11. lol im gonna try mspainting an aura and background till i can find a good scheme fer ya...that shit is fresh btw..alert
  12. fuk..cant see the knews...gonna go over it with paint markers...
  13. updated version...added forcefields and shite....
  14. i think theyr pills..ive yet to try em...im still addicted to me red bull
  15. fuk yea...its always hit or miss with me when i color shit...the only one im really feeling is the one for cnue..now. and somewat the wienot.
  16. ur on the rite track emun...fuk i fuked this up by coloring it....watever..
  17. lol my bad dude...yea def the diff names arent consistent...
  18. cant wait to see it wienot..ur shit is always fresh....im working on a page on me bbook fer ya....just gonna take a few days...
  19. dude im not new to graff...and its just a freestyle...:D....did u mean consistency with each word..cuz i kinda tried....i no i didnt maintain consistency with the different names having differnt styles..just thut it wud look boring if i did... cool style neo....
  21. just freestyled this real quick outline for the bulk exchange thing...fuk...forgot knews just realized....lol i got an idea...just gonna put a sticker or 2 over me name...
  22. hot dang....sick shit cnue and duse...expect to see ya guys at the bench fer sheezy.
  23. well it was more of a vocab thing....i no a lot of young ones cuz i used to teach in an elementary /jhs and their english was weak...maybe cuz its nyc..nevermind.
  24. my spider senses are tingling and i am beginning to suspect that ur not 13 are ya..lol...if u are good shit u learned ur engrish well.
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