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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. lol i no of three other freaks...guess i picked an original name...
  2. yo sick style bro....just a suggestion tho...work on ur hand styles..and itll look way better..good shit once again...lol yea tdg nigga..... just finished this..hope ya like it bro..
  3. fuk just tagged a book at prolet....really need to practice throwies etc..i just threw dwn some ugly 5 min shit...to testa marker...very embarrasing honestly..i think ill go over it some other time...like taht first one bug...and sick handie..wienot...i gotta work on handies to..balls.
  4. every1 doth needth to know thy roleth bitchesth...
  5. dangit....wienot....im dying to color in the page i did fer ya bro..jsut that works got me fuking drained..fuking 12 hours of stress...get this done by the end of the week bro...just added 3d and details...gonna try a tdg later 2.
  6. dang the color scheme on taht's amazing
  7. no way.. i thut id shock the whole worlds :eek:...seriously tho...dude....im not stereotypical to my personality am i.. also gooOOod shit u posted from ur scannner..dang..
  8. yea dont make a thread dude..atleast not yet...gotta agree with q..good shit anroe and duse...... avek ur stuffs nice 2...
  9. better..by a shitload honestly.
  10. that last ones alrite..not a fan of that throw.... lol yea cnue..noticed that 2...just goes to show that u cant match a face with a personality or watever...i bet yall were surprised when ya saw me 2..lol cnue..i honestly thut every1 was african american here...lol guess im a dummass.
  11. lol its insane actually gettin a visual of the ppl here ...
  12. emu are u the same person as emun..cuz that dude started doing simples..and tahts wat u need to be doing to ..dang um....u cud fix that dike up then...remember right angles and consistent thicknes...
  13. that last 1 is pretty decent./
  14. lol i knew it was u...because it had a pic of the place...so i was like this must be..sank..ur rite ..u do keep it separate ...graff and everything else..
  15. LOL^....dudes add me...myspace.com/freakeenyc im down amk bro... and tdg does have a good ring to it. toys do getup crew.. try da gum crew..tasty daisy girls crwe...nvm...anroes version is better..
  16. LOL..dudes add me.. myspace.com/freakeenyc
  17. i kinda agree with cnue....its an awesome location and all but i dunno if there are seats around...but if theres no other ideas we myte as well...i mean we're not doing illegal shit 2...plus...i dunt want ta get into any trouble with popo while im here..not gonnaa look good on me records.. awesome idea amkah...ill think of a name later
  18. bit the old english letters...thut it was an awesome variation Riddler: Riddle me this! Batman:WIENOT? lol came up with that.. thut it was pretty fun..but yall prob think its retarded which it probably is...
  19. wienot..dude...i just transfered some sketchs to me blackbook, gonna try to incorporate a Riddler (from batman) theme..if i can get it to work
  20. LOl i dunno dude...we werent gonna tag up shit other than each others books...thats kosher rite..or are there any legal complications with that...im not 2 sure...but the city hall place is def a nice open place....randomly went there the other day and stumbled on some gay pride festival...my douche of a friend took apic of me there...without me knowing and posted that shit online.
  21. toy question abt blackbooks....my markers always drip to the other side of the paper...so i cant do a 2 pager cuz of the marks left....umm is there a way to avoid this...better blackbook....or should i just skip a page if i want to use 2 pages..i think som1 mentioned putting stickers on the page....but the stickers (DHL) that i have seem to distort the color of me markers..it just looks better on the paper...then the sticker..
  22. wat kind of class was it? metal work? post pics of the other stuff if u have.
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