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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. going to ny this week farewell nigaz..(boston ppl....fking organize a good day for the bench...im leaving at theend of the month)
  2. good shit no exceptions and blart..that last sank u posted was good..
  3. wienot all the letters are insanely dope...really feel the i...um just think the n and o are a lil plainer than the rest..u get wat im saying? but it still works.
  4. finally got around to finish coloring the bottom one..which one is better in terms of style top or bottom..? random sketch
  5. hey thats still better handwriting skills than some of the toy shit here..the letters to the left are nice 2.
  6. sank i see wat u meant by the s not going with the other letters...dude...def work on it tho..it has mad potential trust me...
  7. lol wienot write both.?(another crappy joke..srry)...dude u just inspired me to get my note book out..good shit...
  8. lol cola ur an interesting character,
  9. the hands look more calligraphical(dunno if that exactly the word) cola..thats cool. lol i thought the dude pokiemon wrote milfs..for a sec. only to realize it says miles..
  10. the first one u did was solid..i really dont see any flaws in it...this one^ to be honest is kinda ugly
  11. just finished this using chartpak markers which i bought today..
  12. for HEVN's sake...keep it simple....yea im awesome..at bad jokes....good time sank...we jsut need more pps next tiime...
  13. postrate has gone down dramatically....where the flicz at brethren?
  14. good shit...dude..i once made a thread asking for ppl to post up stuff like that...ie the dan brown book Angels and Demon shit...i was only able to pull it off once..and recently at thta...but for an exchange.
  15. dude look at it tho..its the only metallic one...with a nasty ass floor..and a freaking drain...if i no my thirdworld country bathrooms and i think i do (man of color) reminds me of the motherland...does any1 else agree that this is the worst one? oh yea..it reminds me of a room that would be in HOSTEL.
  16. lol wat kind of third world country shitter is this in...id die if i had to take a dump in that place..id rather go outside.
  17. sank!>..tahts wat im talking about..i think the letters are fresh and a progression from ur old style...the s and a cud go with a lil less extensions...
  18. that grier is sick!..u sic bastard.alert ..lol..white inlines (watever theyr called) always makes a peice look way sicker i think....yet i have still to buy me a white gel/ watever pen...:( actually post a solid simple any1 who wants some critz...and ill crit yur other works..and im sure others will as well...if u can do solid simples there's no reasons why u shouldnt be adding complexities to ur works..unless u kick ass at simples..and like it that way...ofcourse. anyways...im taking a temporary hiatus from actually graffing to read MARVEL's CIVIL WAR series...so far ive read 72/106? comics..dont tell any1.
  19. cud u use mspaint and show me ur ltters.
  20. bune u asked for advice and then say u like it that way....it cud go with a lil less extensions..looks a lil messy ...and the 3ds a lil off.but i do that 2 so watever... but it does look like a decent wildstyle..
  21. that neura in the lower left corner is good. other neuro..first style is good just tht the e is horrible,, and wat does that second one say. i feel like i have a moderate amount of markers..but always use only a few of them...
  22. superman once killed a bitch...cuz she said he was faster than a speeding bullet.
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