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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. naris liek the black 3d one..but i feel like theres something wrong with that a hole.
  2. this shit is too close..ive already decided not to vote...how many votes to win in this one? wat are the voting rules etc??? i dont think 1st to 3 votes is the most prudent way to do this one?
  3. damn this is gonna be an insane battle....mad good heads with style for miles...
  4. park homie! u shud post ur work more often..thats dope by itself..^ next time i see ya...ur doing a piece in my book
  5. yea maybe an extension on the top loop of the p instead ?
  6. yea bro meant as a compliment...i come in peace.
  7. nah nigga dont bump that shit...nigga needs to GTFO!...lol
  8. wiseone and switch both of u guys have similar ill styles.
  9. HOMIE GTFO!! WAT WERE U SMOKING>>~...ps good shit.
  10. found some of my lil sis's markers :(
  11. wat do u mean.lol .i feel like that wud give me a headache..\ ps who'se shels? i hope i dont sound retarded
  12. just wanted to see if i cud OD on extensions
  13. it wud be harder to do least amount of votes if there are more than 1 of those ppl..winner sounds likea good idea
  14. cnue ur fills are ridick homie...and wat markers are u using for ur book?
  15. put on a new page hope u like it nah and sev
  16. taiko the last 2 are the better ones because they are more simpler....(talking about the peices not the stencils)...and alts i feel like u can step it up a lil more... serkit those letters are kinda inconsistent in size and uniform thickness..and spacing..fix that and itll be a 100x better..
  17. kill or die..hayabusas looks dope 2 just didnt put in as much
  18. those block style serkits aare tyte...and that romans nice as well
  19. http://www.ispub.com/ostia/index.php?xmlFilePath=journals/ijfp/vol4n1/vanilla.xml
  20. yea the first ones cracks dont work..if anything theyre more on the lightning side...ur 3d was awkward with that one...the lines arent parallel....look at duses...his isnt bending randomly...and there is a consistent thickness..ill try to do a simple define to help ya out...with the direction ur going
  21. screw u guys...wait..lol im still on winter fucking break!!! hahah suck myballs fellas..i no ur jealous
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