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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. yo put the last one i did instead. not that it matters:( yo filter wats those mushroom type things on ur 3d? just curious
  2. cheap alternative ....sharpies.. they arent the best...but they are cheap and workable. esp if ur a beginner
  3. last second attempt to add shit to my rack..since i dunt think i cud color it.
  4. that sev is dope note..and its fitting that u use notebook paper since u write note :)
  5. bumped last second attempt to fixx up my shit for teh 3d battle
  6. naris like the last one..that bosoj is dope... ' alts im feeling that homie!+ for define..bro ur names hard..this one was the best outline i cud do.. pages in my books.since my coloring hiatus during break...i just cnat touch me markers anymore.
  7. dank get rid of the extensions
  8. no twas a compliment..most pps are douches.
  9. eba u def have a good sense of humor man...u cant take critz more nobly than most.... ps feeling those sketches u posted up.
  10. feeling the olser 2d msko in this page... was bored
  11. lol yea no fair.ppl actually good at 3d shudnt be allowed...:P
  12. my entry for the 3d battle...if i cant color it in later.... says RACK
  13. thats tyte^.. for teh battle. dunno if i can color it... lobsta teh letters are nice..just feel like the arrows dont fit.
  14. lol :( i was gonna paint the batman throwie.. thut it was dope guess not..
  15. kick ass idea. i jst cant think of 4 lettrs..:(
  16. finally colored this shit..i am so fuking running out of markers ..oh yea a portion is missing...will rescan later. griek wat markers do u use...makes them works look nice dude.
  17. finally colored this shit..i am so fuking running out of markers :(..oh yea a portion is missing...will rescan later. and im most prob gonna be in boston next saturday if peeps is down to paint and shit..got new paint.
  18. i guess u no sank 2...he hit my book 2.
  19. i do agree..niggaz need to chill..
  20. teh stickers are nice..as well as the last peice...um also part of the s is a lil 2 skinny on that one.
  21. freakeenyc


    feel the nov...dunno abt the a
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