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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. nuthing to crit on it...its got good letter structure...and um the bottom of the s the 3ds wierd .
  2. nuthing to crit on it...its got good letter structure...and um the bottom of the s the 3ds wierd .
  3. lOl Q those chars are mad dope in that easter peice
  4. lOl Q those chars are mad dope in that easter peice
  5. freestyled a 3d peice..crits cuz its been a while! purplestain?
  6. They are not the same...i understand that they can be mistaken as that but i think u gotta give the guy a break this time
  7. thats an exchange i think^
  8. me and purp had the same 3d idea i guess....wanted to add more stuff but didnt no wat to add..fucked around with 2 diff fills. dunt like the colors 2 much.
  9. aviator i like the 3rd pic from teh top...definately top tier toy staturs...but ur close to leaving...definately feeling them
  10. u work letter by letter?? thats weird.
  11. BLART that last mar is fuking ill dude.. eras that one u posted is ill... the ruck u last posted the extensions u made would look better with the left part of the R and the right part of the K instead..
  12. trying to doa throw ruck?
  13. the sweep battle is on the toy battle thread...thats tyte keeping secrets...still working on mine.
  14. dude go for it u definately have ur personal style homie
  15. def a good idea dude...im down for a char and those colors seem ill.
  16. first stage of my peice for the wildstyle battle in the battle thread..i wanna win :( any suggestions? wat cud i add? color schemes?
  17. the left bar of the R is a lil 2 big...otherwise i must say im pretty impressed with ur skills/progression
  18. he was afro american.... i mean middle eastern./... anyways i have this ill "wildstyle" sketch...hopefully i can redo a good one on me book..
  19. minus the whole in the R its good...anyways thanks 4 the comments its good to get feedback...so if any1 wants critz they can pm me;
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