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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. i know they are sloppy but which one's better..top or bottom...in terms of style and wat i shud work on.....they are a varaition of the same thing
  2. loL..... i no the feeling :)...lol actually theres a king in florida named freek... decy dope!
  3. the first ones pretty cool..but id bet it wud look better without that many ladder blocks...maybe bigger ones. anyways im almost finished filling up my first bbook..need ideas to finish it...i have an even bigger one for the next one.... im gonna try to send it 2 ppls.
  4. thats cool ye its prob the loop of the R... and abt the purge simple..lol wanted to keep it themed..
  5. bump this..i really like it.... dude above u need to work on ur letters.... and neber ill shit homie.
  6. something i did real quick in the library.. fuck midterms. decy urs is looking dope 2.. olse ink that 1st one in! those are good.. brew..ill throwie...mad style. does..the S is wierd ...and space out ur letters more... yuri...like the second one...kinda looks arabic style..i dunno if u meant to do it that way.. tane something about that A is off.. donald..u shud practice more str8s cus it wud definatly help out ...
  7. i like it without the wierd stuff like the quotes and circles...and the bottom right of the R is 2 thic....the middle bar of the E cud be thicker...
  8. joe if those are meant to be throwies.they dont need white inlines or 2 color fills like that sneak.. that yellow roas is ill... enigma 1st and third are good. and ruck im not picking on u but those extensions to the letters dont work... and freak! shame on u for haveing writers block.
  9. if u have the right markers go for it. it has the potential to look ill when colored...i cnat really do comic strip type stuff with my sharpie collection.. that char looks like a cross of the hulk and thing....
  10. u no there are threads that are funny as shit and all...but i really liked this one...ill try to contribute later..
  11. ruck the last one u posted...if elongated vertically.. would look better..i
  12. woa! much bettter feeling it!. rezist...k u got can control now just work on ur LETTERS! dude
  13. ruck inconsitent thickness ruins it, once again it definately has potential. The U is the strongest letter in that did this real quick in mspaint...lines are really shaky,,...fuki idnt do a good job but maybe this will help u .
  14. atnie those are pretty dope homie'.
  15. a simple version of that idea i tried for an exchange
  16. yea i post in both threads..here more so for constructive critz.like wats off or wat else i cud do..im not gonna go around doing that in the sketch thread.....not to say im good or bad.....and in the sketch thread if i really like something i did. yea there is def a sense of comradery? amongst toys.
  17. quality styles homies..mouth get my vote tho.
  18. the finished...decided to just add a hand..sryy cudnt look up that artist SPark but will do asap.. fuking around in my art class..whenever tehres a break.
  19. safe that first one is mad ill..that fills dope...yea i gotta practice painting more..i might go to boston next week cuz i have Spring Break then...
  20. actually thats pretty cool! fix the R
  21. actually thats pretty cool! fix the R
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