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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. PESK u needa scan all of ur bbook peices and archive em online for the masses.
  2. shiet slept early cause i thought i had a meeting in the morning...i was wrong..shudda been tcing..
  3. kele keep the k dude....the K along with the L were especially dope.
  4. kele the letters are good..feelin the 3d as well..also like was said the orange bursts looked wierd.
  5. fuck i wish i had teh skills/supplies to do shit like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oM3Kz8zmKFU&feature=related
  6. Three skiers are stranded on a chairlift and forced to make life-or-death choices that prove more perilous than staying put and freezing to death http://veevr.com/videos/AgyBhZ89 prtty fckd p mvie oner
  7. i liked it..definitely not the best opener for a season tho, i also liked the inside joke they used with Dee and Mac
  8. not to beat it down..but dreamcasts have cds, can tell from the cartridge that it is snes, and the console is prob one of those ghetto ones that are able to play the games but not exactly the snes console.
  9. for how long i lived in ny...never went to a G lookin place like that..looks like u had fun
  10. daos gota new lil nigga. and all he can talk about is his nutsacs lol
  11. hey pos...just wanted to give a few pointers..atleast for now make sure ur letter widths are consistent(shown in the green lines on the S)..dont overlapp ur letters too much and try to make em the same sizes(Shown in the blue boxes)..and make sure your letters line up(shown by the yellow lines).... @anyone...in the beginning you might wanna start drawing out lines to help with simples(i think professional sign designers and tattoo artists may do ths)...with time you should be able to eyeball stuff and be able to rock solid straight letters free handed. *excuse the shakiness my mouse controls not on point :o
  12. word my bad ill post a sketch for starting shit/
  13. i didnt know tnt was built during mohammads time..that really makes a lot of sense.
  14. kele feeling the bottom orange one dude... and destil..srsly just post in the newsketch thread dude..u clearly know what you are doing
  15. @somekat..i like where ur goingwith the first red one...feel like the Es not at the same levela s the other letters....and on the pink one..like it as well..the 3ds type off..and dunno about the lil gray things on the forcefeild @eyelessthancrack..exactly wat decy said... @reson..haha u got some badass chars..make me crack up..nothing beats chcucky tho! purely cuz it got me nostalgic. @phony...i generally like where ur going..for that first blue one..the horizontal bars seemed to be at wierd levels..and i REally like the one with the black fill and orange 3d..the only thing id say about that one is that the P seemed off...u shud definitely keep playing around with that one..i felt like the other ones were too tiny and smushed in....definately looks better elongated @sequnce...try rocking some simples dude...some of the arrows and the letters on the last one were kinda off .
  16. Yo RUCKUS! wats goin on....i been reppin tmw whenever i can the first true i u posted, solid simp...liked how ur letters went from smallT to bigR to smallU to bigE on the first set of pictures in the other post,..i liked the top heavy extensions,. on the second one...i thought the extension on the topright of the R, and a the two dots surrounding the lower part of the T were a lil weird. and the last ones a solid simp....ink em in son! u know what ur doing dude..keep at eM!
  17. dang nightmurz....yall go all out for camping food..dope flics.
  18. props^ solid simple with style
  19. coo^ watching star trek:next gen, eating beefaroni, and sketching
  20. does not finishing your question in a question mark,but in a period, make it a sentence?
  21. looks dope umire...always feeling ur style
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