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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. anyone else doing the smile battle... also does anyone want to battle due in an hour from whenver we start it....im bored.
  2. this doesnt really matter....but for how simple the other letters are the E is by contrast a lil more complex... but it still works.
  3. it was one em free vip contests..they run out quickly
  4. i actually made a thread about the correlation between normal handwriting and "Writing" abilities
  5. yea definitely, the show has alot of replayablity.
  6. Dear homie, Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. Im really sorry about your dad, its gonna be a rough night, just take care of your mom, and sister and try to stay strong. Im here for you. hopefully you call. Sincerely, Freaks.
  7. hal..i have no idea waht that reads fatol...although using graph paper is a great way to help out with simples ..youll eventually want to practice in non graph papers,..also work on straightening ur lines... zen..the E looks smaller width-wise in the the colored sketch
  8. saw someone dressed as a jugglette for halloween last night at a mcdonalds no flics :(
  9. http://www.flickr.com/people/erosoneakbtci/ this eros has been writing for atleast 25 years....
  10. KELE! that fill!! is tight...
  11. Stayed up for another day in an attempt to fix my sleep cycle...note to self: its pointless to do so if ur not committed to maintaining a normal cycle...stop goofing.
  12. did a really quick sketch of a fek...trying to shorten the freak...
  13. Dear Lab, Seriously... stop pissing me the fuck off, get organized show me where shit is so i can do my job. and stop depending on each other and show initiative. freaks
  14. instead of green bastard:parts unknown..i might do the only thing thats frightened me so far this year.... SNICKERS GROCERY LADY!!!!!
  15. is it cuz of the lowercase I or the quote
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