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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. cool works for me...interestng letter combo as well.
  2. hahah darn seee the t in my entry now :(
  3. dope alts esp feelin the top one.... and dammnnnn sev..ur sketchs keep gettin better and better..thats tight dude.
  4. the silver eons is wayy better also...make ur Os more prominent.
  5. dear 12oz. i cervically dislocated a mouse today. basically snapping the brain withe the spine..fuck with me i dare u!!! im an og.... freaks/ ps im bsing...shit scarred me. :(
  6. zone wst..didnteven need to read the little zone inthe bottom to tell..
  7. im surprised the building owners for that banksy havent put glass or something over it to protect it......anyone can eassssily cross that shit out...
  8. whats oderus..please dont neg me for not knowing and or not googling.
  9. cruiser ur hand is dope for how long it is.. nek i dont really think those extensions work on those letters dry wretch is it crone or drone? maybe space out ur letters more..work on making em the same size to i guess? i liked the hand in the bottom 1up and 3 to the right. edict....those extensions dont work. juca...that is illllll dude...the characters work with it too i think
  10. noo idea how the marker works either..i tried shit and it just didnt come out nice at all..maybe cuz it was a chartpak blender and i was trying to blend prismas.
  11. damnit skeet come over dude and show me how to fade..i actually bought a color blender marker 2.
  12. solid M...like thebalance of the M and K..feel like the O needs major tweeking and is small compared to the rest
  13. that is illl steelo...wat markers u usin? random style that ivenever tried
  14. goya's a smaller word..ill trya goyA
  15. holly fuck dudeee..i remember looking at those flics as a kid!....shits still creepy too
  16. ahah ummmm there are several ways....u can attach files on this site... u can upload it to something via Imageshcak...flickr..photobucket..etc for imageshack.us upload the flic..and then theres a line that says direct link: sadfhaksdjhlkfhasl copy that link....and then clcik on the mountain looking button on this reply area uptop^ and paste it...and voila..
  17. that ether utah thing looks interesting.
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