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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. clearly trolling..no way that ges and that ces u posted are done by the same person.
  2. target teaz and jaze are my all time favorites from teh bean.
  3. keyboard simples. do them.
  4. oh shit ja hand on top whose this btw? looked old...
  5. dear ex, you were a catch, and some how legit loved me for my ginormous flaws..why the fuck did i fcuk things up...this is gonna haunt me for a while... freaks /noemo just lost in thoughts
  6. HOLy FUCK that rock1t is bad asssss
  7. i like the upside down one
  8. defining letter structures a difficult thing... to me...abstractly its what identifies a Letter as that letter..like an O is any closed loop whether it be circular or squareshaped.etc(probablya bad example)...i see graffiti as the science/art of distorting letters to an extreme such that the letter structure remains intact.
  9. there is a right or wrong tho.. if something is dope, it's generally pleasing or at the least, someone can appreciate why others would like it. imho...if u wanna get better disregard the extensions for now and focus on your letter structure...like you said "as long as the word is there" is what matters, stuff like extensions are auxillary flashy shit that cant make up for poor structure anyday.. its good to see that ur letter widths are consistent.and that u can more or less read what ur peices do say.
  10. this shit is nuts..my ex had it on teh regular...sshits so frightening she always had to have a routine and things in the room a certain way before going to sleep.
  11. wow...i wish i knew all these things while i was learning rap letters...this guys amazing.:D
  12. peon great steps...just keep doing that outline over and over again..and naturally ull tweak out all the faults without realizing it...
  13. dammnnn the classic flics beast anything new imo...fucking style!!!!!
  14. @croctears....makeup does some amazing things..
  15. fucking camera sucks..hah not that imma win anyways.
  16. cpwns....i do agree that letters and number of letters and letter orientation definately is some sort of factor..but given time like massgraff said...u can make pretty much any combination work.
  17. that resin is dope..i dunno what yall are smoking..
  18. @ juca..hahah i love how u did a buttercup char for a dora peice instead of doing the obvious dora char..
  19. decy lemme know if u ever needa stash of usps slaps...
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