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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. dear self, do not deter from teh PRIME DIRECTIVE, eerythang else is irrelevant. sirfreaksanot
  2. mosk minius the ms extension i like where u were goin with the Top mosk... also like u pted out the Ks the weak link in the bottom peice....i feell like if itd bee good if u just found a k that almost balances the M...seee how the Ms more free flowing and wider...maybe if the K were wider and if the bar of the lower right of the K almost matched the lower left of ur m symmetrical wise..
  3. haha ill be part of the international coalition of unbiased heads that is in charge of decys organization which is responsible for the management of the christo-f's committee of unbiased affairs... TRIPLE FUCKING LEVELS OF CHECKS AND BALANCES.... who'se watchin the watchmen's watchmen..... rapletters for all my talking
  4. ^ that and space em out more. hahahhaha mad props for that grimace char!!! @dahr like the a and H...the leg of the bottom right of the R looks off..as well as the loop on the D
  5. number 1 and 3 are solid...keep up the good work
  6. lol insane clown posse went over etips
  7. shame on a nigga for even quoting that^ haha but word on the street is that we soo excited...
  8. Dear Symbs, haha thanks i gave up on that experiment even though it was gonna be prettty...found out the protocol i was using wasnt working..and needed to get thesis done asap so im doing other shit...dunno how u work in a lab...maybe its the one im in right now but i hate it...wanted to do a phd thing too..not anymore freaks
  9. hahaha i really hope u just made up that acronym^ lol ahah word uncle donny...posting flics as i see em around me.
  10. Crystal by Mise KING SYN!!!! and finally the DOPEST DOOR in boston
  11. dear oontz, feeling more fucked up than Christian Bales role in The Machinist... freaks.
  12. wait wait wait...hold the fuck on....what is that animal that seems to be peering from the side of that picture^
  13. tried a few sketchs out..couldnt get anything i liked..so i tried a quick simp
  14. hippiescums postin BURNAHHHHHZ
  15. dear noes ...back ur shit up.. 5 years is no joke. freaks.
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