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Everything posted by roadpig

  1. Re: BEAT off into a pitcher of dog food
  2. Re: BEAT off into a pitcher of dog food damn, that's alotta chocha!
  3. Re: BEAT off into a pitcher of dog food /no homo
  4. Re: BEAT off into a pitcher of dog food
  5. Re: BEAT off into a pitcher of dog food cowabunga!!!
  6. Re: BEAT off into a pitcher of dog food
  7. Re: BEAT off into a pitcher of dog food
  8. Re: BEAT off to the picture above you
  9. Re: BEAT off to the picture above you it's a fur burger hold the panties!
  10. Re: BEAT off to the picture above you relevance: she posted people in maggot costumes. i posted a pict of a set of people in costumes...my bad was clicking reply before finding a good pict...and when i replied, you had already posted...feel free to start it over after the fat kid eating cake...no more maggots...that maggot brain is naaasty!
  11. Re: BEAT off to the picture above you
  12. Re: BEAT off to the picture above you ahahahahaha...i was saying "is that sinead o conner stuffing her with a sausage?!" and yeah, all those priceless faces...ahaha...dude looks like he's sucking venom out of her leg..and then the dude with the slate blue long sleeve looks like he's saying, "oooo...i know you like my palm on your navel, don't you...you dirty slut"...while grandpa with the striped shirt (far right) is saying, "oh what a lovely tea party!"
  13. Re: BEAT off to the picture above you oh fuck!! was the person still alive?? makes me wanna puke too...yuck! maggot bath
  14. Re: BEAT off to the picture above you
  15. Re: BEAT off to the picture above you
  16. Re: BEAT off to the picture above you
  17. Re: BEAT off to the picture above you (i hope this hasn't been posted yet)
  18. Re: BEAT off to the picture above you "Workers pump beer into a fountain in Harbin, Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province August 4, 2005. The scene, part of the city's efforts to embrace the upcoming Harbin International Beer Festival, has triggered heated debate, with many calling it "a waste of resources". Some 90 tons of beer will be used for the fountain. [newsphoto]"
  19. Re: BEAT off to the picture above you
  20. dang, alot of good referals on here...thanks! grizzly man looks good. worlds most dangerous gangs looks good too. i'll see if i can find "capturing the freidmans". oh yeah, infamy...i forgot that is a documentary. i have that. i still haven't seen 'hype!' though. has anyone seen it? i havent seen american pimp either. i hear its sorta like g's up. others that i seen and liked: the show rhyme n reason
  21. yup...pbs, the history channel, animal planet, national geographic...all good stuff to watch. i seen this documentary on one of those channels, about an immigrant journalist from el salvador. he migrated illegally to canada via freight hopping. then someone went back to video tape and chronicle his journey...it was pretty good, but i cant remember the name of it. i want to see cocaine cowboys. it looks interesting. children underground was pretty crazy...it reminded me of the kids in mexico. others i've seen and liked... dog town and z boys g's up, hoes down
  22. i was going to buy it to support the site...but i think i'll rent it instead now. a few others i've seen and liked... the freshest kids scratch style wars piece by piece crumb supersize me bowling for columbine graffiti verite #1 dark days woodstock
  23. hmm..sounds interesting. i just seen this about 2 weeks ago...pretty good. i want to buy a copy of this soon..
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