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Everything posted by STOOGE

  1. Fuck that toy going over King DIAR Thanks for the bench!
  2. My brother recommended The Man Who Souled the World after talking about the bones brigade movie. It pretty much picks up where the bones brigade doc left off - all about rocco starting up world industries, powell falling off, and the beginnings of modern street skating / skate companies. pretty rad, I think I liked it better than bones brigade..this transition is just when I started skating. it's on youtube, hope you dig it..
  3. Excellent post, as usual. But you did cut me out. You are pardoned, thanks for your effort.
  4. Re: What is the best part of your day? / Beer in the shower appreciation thread...(post pi cheers to shower beers!
  5. them's some big graffitis
  6. pestoe, bier, and abider


    pestoe and feast!
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