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Everything posted by mackfatsoe

  1. has anyone been able to find any black and white polaroid film anywhere? I know they discontinued it last year, but maybe theres some shit still floating around.
  2. Rage- my friend has a "one step" polaroid camera that takes sx-70 film. do you know if you can modify those to take 600 film too? i dont want to try to jam that shit into the camera and fuck it up, ya know. thanks
  3. this page seems so fucking long. polaroid tryptic (sp?) from a year ago goddamnit i need to learn how to crop. edit: ..and resize
  4. i wish i had my own digital camera. film is too fucking expensive when it aint free. "The FUCK you want?"
  5. ^^^hahaha i was just about to pst that shit.
  6. some polaroids that were sitting around. ill post some black and white shit after thanksgiving, i like that stuff more
  7. uh, like, nigguh maybe you should take his nuts out cho mouf! oh wait, this isnt brick slayers. mis pants, those pictures are delicious.
  8. mackfatsoe


    if you got free time, check out this site. http://www.whatsreallygood.com they have cheap ass prices on nikes, but theyre fake, right?
  9. BOSS STATUS. Im liking the colors alot in all em.
  10. Yo.. I recently bought an SX-70 Sonar camera... One on the left.. The SX-70 cameras technically take Time-Zero film, but can be modified to take 600 film. But since the film is a different speed the color suffers. I lost my old filters and you can see that the photos are really yellow/orange/red. Anyways.. to get a longer exposure I had to tape over the Electric Eye, which registers how much light is being taken in. Cover up the eye with electrical tape and it eleminates the timer. Thus, a bulb setting. Thanks for the feedback too! Quoted post [/b] I thnk i have the same camera as the one on the right. can you cover the electric eye on that one too, and change exposure times? which part is the electric eye, i dont even fucking know. can that camera be modified to use any film but 600? thanks.
  11. Those pictures were from a recent trip of mine to Princeton. I'm in law school in Texas. Quoted post I came so close to rocking out with PWK. Damn. Score. Quoted post [/b] rage, how the hell did you get these exposures with 600? they are fucking awesome.
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