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Everything posted by vare_one

  1. im liking that magic its just well magic lol and ill post some of mine up wehn i get them sorted and nailled as there not at the best they could be yet
  2. so let say what we think about this then ! and this
  3. cheers for the response alcohol ill start work on them there bubbles straight away cheers vare
  4. im absoluty loving these sticker man some crazy ill characters going on and some sick wildstickers ill post some pics up of northampton stickers when i get them at the weekend safe vareOner..187uk
  5. a quick go at a block 3d type sketch
  6. different style again i tried
  7. quick battle piece me and a mate had at writting his tag DORPS
  8. a weird style i was trying a while back
  9. a quick try at another artists letters
  10. a quick bombing in black sketch i was gonna go put up one night but ended up not bothering
  11. a quick sketch my mate cres did for my book
  12. just a dubs style sketch in brown with tip ex white as highlights
  13. another different style i tried and didnt get along with so i stopped it after this sketch
  14. another one for the old tf crew R.i.p i liked the blend of blues
  15. just some small stuff i did
  16. this one was for a crew i was in a while back which fell threw hope u like it
  17. a different style tryout didnt go down to well
  18. a sketch that i did as a piece in pink aswell which actully came out ok
  19. bit scrapy i know but what u think IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v438/vare/3dvareoldskool.jpg[/img]
  20. nib material where can i get bulk sheets of posterman nib material from you must be able to get some sort of sheet form of it form sumwhere ive been looking everywhere for it and cant seem to get hold of anything any ideas safe vareOner..NFA
  21. france got it down you know france is well fucked and well skilled at what they do they got smashing chromes n black biggies all over the sides of there motorways and on tracksides its fucking amazing o'clock gets props from me and so do most of the grim team for the damage they cause fucking pure damge pure urban cultural damage nothing better sick thread press on with it .
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